ChalkZone is an American animated television series that aired on Nickelodeon
Nickelodeon (TV channel)
Nickelodeon, often simply called Nick and originally named Pinwheel, is an American children's channel owned by MTV Networks, a subsidiary of Viacom International. The channel is primarily aimed at children ages 7–17, with the exception of their weekday morning program block aimed at preschoolers...

. It was created by Bill Burnett and Larry Huber, and produced by Frederator Studios
Frederator Studios
Frederator Studios is an independent American production company founded by Fred Seibert in 1997, with its first series launching in 1998. The studio focuses primarily on artists who write their own shorts, series, and movies...

 for the Nickelodeon TV channel (executive producers: Bill Burnett, Larry Huber, Fred Seibert
Fred Seibert
Frederick "Fred" Seibert is a television and film producer and entertainment entrepreneur who owns Frederator Studios, and who has held leading positions with MTV Networks, Hanna-Barbera, and Next New Networks; he owns Frederator Studios...

). It is distributed outside the United States by Canadian animation company, Nelvana Limited.
The main character, an elementary school student named Rudy Tabootie (E.G.

[To Chalk Dad] "Hey hey hey, I was an original Tabootie before YOU were a sketch." - Snap

"I don't wanna hear the end of that sentence!" - Snap

"I forgot to draw the arrow." - Rudy

"You can fill a lot of cereal in this bowl!" - Rudy

"I hope this water softener will help." - Biclops

[After Rudy was bouncing his head & butt with a BULB HORN HONK] "Thank goodness you're okay Rudy." - Biclops Category:Nickelodeon animated TV shows Category:Children's television shows
