Cabinet-style council
A Cabinet-style Council is a type of local government
Local government in the United Kingdom
The pattern of local government in England is complex, with the distribution of functions varying according to the local arrangements. Legislation concerning local government in England is decided by the Parliament and Government of the United Kingdom, because England does not have a devolved...

 which has been introduced in the United Kingdom
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

 for Local Councils
City council
A city council or town council is the legislative body that governs a city, town, municipality or local government area.-Australia & NZ:Because of the differences in legislation between the States, the exact definition of a City Council varies...

 following the introduction of the Local Government Act 2000
Local Government Act 2000
The Local Government Act 2000 is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that reformed local government in England and Wales. Its principal purposes are:...


It consists of the Leader and the Cabinet itself, which is usually formed by the majority party in the Borough
A borough is an administrative division in various countries. In principle, the term borough designates a self-governing township although, in practice, official use of the term varies widely....

. Each member of the Cabinet holds a separate portfolio, such as Culture, Economic Development, Education, etc. Also included are Committees, such as a Standards Committee, as well as a Scrutiny Committee.

The Leader and Cabinet are responsible for policies, plans and strategies, and for recommending them to the overall Council, which is of course convened as a whole, at regular council meetings. Ordinary Committees take decisions within the policies, etc., that have been approved by the Council. The Standards Committee ensures the standards of conduct are set and adhered to and the Overview and Scrutiny
Overview and Scrutiny
Overview and Scrutiny is a function of local authorities in England and Wales. It was introduced by the Local Government Act 2000 which created separate Executive and Overview and Scrutiny functions within councils....

 Committee holds the Cabinet to account for its decisions and is responsible that the democratic checks and balances are maintained.
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