Broken Saints
Broken Saints is an award-winning, partially Flash-animated
Flash cartoon
A Flash animation or Flash cartoon is an animated film which is created using Adobe Flash or similar animation software and often distributed in the .swf file format. The term Flash animation not only refers to the file format but to a certain kind of movement and visual style which, in many...

 film series by Brooke Burgess, Ian Kirby, and Andrew West. First published in 2001, it is one of the earliest examples of a motion comic
Motion comic
A motion comic is a form of comics combining elements of print comic books and animation.-History:The earliest examples of motion comics are found in independent creations such as Broken Saints....

. Like a comic, characters on the most part remain in static poses and dialogue is indicated by speech balloons. However, rather than exclusively using sequential panels, animated sequences are used to switch scenes and help advance the story, while music (composed by Tobias Tinker and Quentin Grey, as well as classical pieces by Mozart and others) and sound effects are included, lending a more cinematic experience than one would ordinarily achieve with a comic strip alone.
Broken Saints is some 12 hours long, split into 24 chapters published online between 2001 and 2003.

The scent of urine is doing wonders for my mood. I guess alleys aren't posh enough to piss in, christ!

Work work, work, work, die. You'd think I was a protestant.

Now I don't know much of anything, except that I'm being watched 24/7. Like the TV show. Without the chickens...or the stripper. Not that I care. We're all voyeurs. Let them watch.

Maybe you fell charm to my one-two of dazzling charm and boyish good looks. Makes all the closet pedophiles go wibbly.

You give your life to God...all of it. If I die today, I die in bliss. For I believe.

My brain floats like a dumpling, swollen in a soup of adrenaline. And my faith abandons me.

Life is illusion. The only real thing is compassion - the bonds we share with others. Without them, we suffer alone.
