Binka: To Tell a Story About Silence
Binka: To Tell a Story about Silence is a documentary film directed by Elka Nikolova
Elka Nikolova
Elka Nikolova is a New York based Bulgarian film director. Born in Bulgaria, Nikolova moved to New York in 1994 where, in 2001, she completed a Master of Arts in Media Studies at New School University....

. It is 48min in length, and was released in Bulgaria and in the United States in 2006. The topic of the film is the life of Bulgarian director Binka Zhelyazkova
Binka Zhelyazkova
Binka Zhelyazkova , was a Bulgarian film director who made films between the late 1950s and the 1990s. She was the first Bulgarian woman to direct a feature film and one of the few women worldwide to direct feature films in the 1950s.Zhelyazkova graduated from the Sofia Theatre Institute in 1956...

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