Battle of Cádiz (1640)
The Battle of Cádiz was a naval battle in the Franco-Spanish War (1635-1659), which took place on July 21, 1640 , when a French squadron under Jean Armand de Maillé-Brézé
Jean Armand de Maillé-Brézé
Jean Armand de Maillé-Brézé was a French admiral.He was born in Milly-le-Meugon, in one of the most powerful French families of the time; his father was Urbain de Maillé-Brézé, marquis de Brézé, Marshal of France, his uncle Cardinal Richelieu, King Louis XIII's renowned minister, and his...

 attacked and defeated a Spanish convoy coming from the Americas.

The attack occurred just in front of the coast of Cádiz
Cadiz is a city and port in southwestern Spain. It is the capital of the homonymous province, one of eight which make up the autonomous community of Andalusia....


Armand de Breze employed a hitherto unknown tactic of attacking the Spanish convoy from both sides. The Spanish lost a galleon and a small vessels, while the French losses were unknown.


Cesáreo Fernández Duro. Armada española desde la unión de los reinos de Castilla y de León, Vol. IV. Est. tipográfico Sucesores de Rivadeneyra, Madrid, 1898.
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