Bartholin's duct
Bartholin's ducts are a pair of ducts leading from the Bartholin's glands to the surface of the vulva
The vulva consists of the external genital organs of the female mammal. This article deals with the vulva of the human being, although the structures are similar for other mammals....


It is claimed that the two external openings of the Bartholin's ducts are often invisible to the naked human eye.

The major sublingual duct
Major sublingual duct
The excretory ducts of the sublingual gland are from eight to twenty in number. Of the smaller sublingual ducts , some join the submandibular duct; others open separately into the mouth, on the elevated crest of mucous membrane , caused by the projection of the gland, on either side of the frenulum...

is also known as "Bartholin's duct."
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