BSSST...Tišinčina! is the title of an album released by the Serbian hip-hop collective Beogradski Sindikat
Beogradski Sindikat
Beogradski Sindikat is a Serbian hip-hop group from Belgrade formed in 1999. It currently consists of eleven members. They have released three albums,first one highly acclaimed and marked the beginning of second wave of Serbian hip hop.-Group members:* Žobla - MC * Ogi - MC Beogradski Sindikat...

(Београдски Синдикат) in early 2002. It contains the following 16 tracks:

Track listing

  1. Буђење/Buđenje (Waking up)
  2. Долази Синдикат/Dolazi Sindikat (The Syndicate is coming)
  3. Дуга је улица/Duga je ulica (The street is long)
  4. Дивљина/Divljina (Wilderness)
  5. Слатке мале малолетнице/Slatke male maloletnice (Cute little underage girls)
  6. З.Џ.Т.Ш. (Из буџета микс)/Z.Dž.T.Š. (Iz budžeta miks) (I'm educating you in vain)
  7. Само један живот/Samo jedan život (Only one life)
  8. Шкабо маестро/Škabo maestro
  9. Знај!/Znaj! (You better know!)
  10. На Бојном Пољу (Витешка 2)/Na Bojnom Polju (Viteška 2) (On the battlefield (Knight song 2))
  11. Залазак трећег сунца/Zalazak trećeg sunca (Sunset of the third sun)
  12. Горила у магли/Gorila u magli (Gorilla in the mist)
  13. БС!БС!/BS!BS!
  14. Плејерско понашање/Plejersko Ponašanje (Player's behavior)
  15. Мисли о моћи/Misli o moći (Thoughts about power)
  16. Нек нас не забораве/Nek nas ne zaborave (Let us not be forgotten)
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