Atatürk Park
Atatürk Park is a public park in Mersin
-Mersin today:Today, Mersin is a large city spreading out along the coast, with Turkey's second tallest skyscraper , huge hotels, an opera house, expensive real estate near the sea or up in the hills, and many other modern urban...

, Turkey
Turkey , known officially as the Republic of Turkey , is a Eurasian country located in Western Asia and in East Thrace in Southeastern Europe...



The park is a Mediterranean
Mediterranean Sea
The Mediterranean Sea is a sea connected to the Atlantic Ocean surrounded by the Mediterranean region and almost completely enclosed by land: on the north by Anatolia and Europe, on the south by North Africa, and on the east by the Levant...

 coastal park of Akdeniz district. The longer dimension of the park, which is more than 1200 m (0.745647283979768 mi) lies along the sea coast in north east to south west direction. The total area of the park is about 16 ha (39.5 acre). The east of the park is bounded by the harbour facilities and the west is bounded by the old Mersin marina
A marina is a dock or basin with moorings and supplies for yachts and small boats.A marina differs from a port in that a marina does not handle large passenger ships or cargo from freighters....

 and Müftü River
Müftü River
Müftü River is a short river in Mersin Province, Turkey.-Geography:The headwaters are in the Toros Mountains, near the town of Arslanköy and the village of Sadiye. The river runs east and then south, flowing to the Mediterranean Sea within the city of Mersin at...

. Although, coastal park continues 7 km (4.3 mi) to south west beyond Müftü river, the name Atatürk Park is used only for the section between the harbour facilities and the marina.


The park is actually the fill area of Mersin Harbor
Mersin Harbor
Mersin Harbor is a seaport facility in Mersin, southern Turkey. As one of the largest harbors in the country, it is Turkey's main gateway to the Mediterranean Sea...

 dredging in the 1950s. In the 1970s, the park was designed by the municipality as an area for coffee houses and open air theaters. Up to the 2000s, the park was also reserved for domestic fairs. But after a new fair ground was established about 5 km (3.1 mi) away, the park lost most of its former activities. However, within the scope of a renewal project, the park is now transforming into a culture park.

Park today

The main excursion area is by the sea side. The amateur fishermen's club is at the west, next to the anchoring berth of the fishing boats (old marina). Most of the park is covered by flower beds. At the main entrance, there is a monument called Refah Şehitleri Abidesi (Martyries of Refah), commemorating the deaths of the sunken ship Refah
Refah Tragedy
The Refah tragedy refers to a maritime disaster during World War II, when the cargo steamer Refah of neutral Turkey, carrying Turkish military personnel from Mersin in Turkey to Port Said, Egypt was sunk in eastern Mediterranean waters by a torpedo fired from an unidentified submarine...

during the World War II
World War II
World War II, or the Second World War , was a global conflict lasting from 1939 to 1945, involving most of the world's nations—including all of the great powers—eventually forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis...

. Ottoman frigate Ertuğrul, another sunken ship of the late 19th century in Japan
Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...

 is also commemorated by this monument.

In 2008, at the north east of the park a 3160 square metre complex of Congress and Exhibition Center
Mersin Congress and Exhibition Center
Mersin Congress and Exhibition Center is a congress center is Mersin, Turkey. It is situated at the north east corner of the Atatürk Park in Mersin. Constructed between 2005 and 2008, it is owned by Mersin municipality...

has been established. with conferance and performance halls, a pool and related services.
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