Arterial tree
In anatomy
Anatomy is a branch of biology and medicine that is the consideration of the structure of living things. It is a general term that includes human anatomy, animal anatomy , and plant anatomy...

, arterial tree is used to refer to all arteries and/or the branching pattern of the arteries. This article regards the human
Humans are the only living species in the Homo genus...

 arterial tree. Starting from the aorta
The aorta is the largest artery in the body, originating from the left ventricle of the heart and extending down to the abdomen, where it branches off into two smaller arteries...


Ascending aorta
Ascending aorta
The ascending aorta is a portion of the aorta commencing at the upper part of the base of the left ventricle, on a level with the lower border of the third costal cartilage behind the left half of the sternum; it passes obliquely upward, forward, and to the right, in the direction of the heart’s...


(Branches to right coronary artery and left coronary artery. Click link for more info)

right coronary artery
Right coronary artery
The right coronary artery originates above the right cusp of the aortic valve. It travels down the right atrioventricular groove, towards the crux of the heart.At the origin of the RCA is the conus artery....


  • posterior interventricular artery (mostly)
  • SA nodal artery (in 60%)
  • Right marginal artery

left coronary artery
Left coronary artery
The left coronary artery, abbreviated LCA and also known as the left main coronary artery , arises from the aorta above the left cusp of the aortic valve.-Branching:...


  • anterior interventricular
    Anterior interventricular branch of left coronary artery
    The "LAD", or left anterior descending artery is an artery of the heart.-Course:...

    • septal
    • diagonal
  • circumflex
    • SA nodal artery (in 40%)
    • posterior interventricular artery (occasionally)
    • Left marginal arteries
    • posterolateral artery
  • ramus intermedius (sometimes)

internal carotid artery
Internal carotid artery
In human anatomy, the internal carotid arteries are two major arteries, one on each side of the head and neck. They arise from the common carotid arteries where these bifurcate into the internal and external carotid artery, and they supply the brain....

  • phthalmic artery]
    • Orbital group
      • Lacrimal artery
        Lacrimal artery
        The lacrimal artery arises close to the optic foramen, and is one of the largest branches derived from the ophthalmic artery: not infrequently it is given off before the artery enters the orbit....

      • Supraorbital artery
        • superficial branch
        • deep branch
      • Posterior ethmoidal artery
        Posterior ethmoidal artery
        The posterior ethmoidal artery is an artery of the head which supplies the nasal septum. It is smaller than the anterior ethmoidal artery.-Course:...

        • meningeal branch
        • nasal branches
      • Anterior ethmoidal artery
        Anterior ethmoidal artery
        The anterior ethmoidal artery, also anterior ethmoid artery is an artery of the head.-Course:Once branching from the ophthalmic artery, it accompanies the nasociliary nerve through the anterior ethmoidal canal to supply the anterior and middle ethmoidal cells, frontal sinus, and anterosuperior...

        • anterior meningeal artery
        • nasal branches
      • Medial palpebral arteries
        Medial palpebral arteries
        The medial palpebral arteries are arteries of the head. They are two in number, superior and inferior, arise from the ophthalmic, opposite the pulley of the Obliquus superior.-Course:...

        • superior palpebral arch
        • inferior palpebral arch
      • Supratrochlear artery
        Supratrochlear artery
        The supratrochlear artery , one of the terminal branches of the ophthalmic artery, branches off where the ophthalmic travels posterior to the trochlea.-Course:...

      • Dorsal nasal artery
        Dorsal nasal artery
        The dorsal nasal artery is an artery of the head. It is one of the two terminal branches of the ophthalmic artery.-Course:...

        • twig to the upper part of lacrimal sac
          Lacrimal sac
          The lacrimal sac is the upper dilated end of the nasolacrimal duct, and is lodged in a deep groove formed by the lacrimal bone and frontal process of the maxilla...

        • to root of nose
        • dorsum of the nose
    • Ocular group
      • Long posterior ciliary arteries
        Long posterior ciliary arteries
        The long posterior ciliary arteries are arteries of the head arising, together with the other ciliary arteries, from the ophtalmic artery. There are two in each eye.-Course:...

        • Circulus arteriosus major
        • Circulus arteriosus minor
      • Short posterior ciliary arteries
        Short posterior ciliary arteries
        The short posterior ciliary arteries from six to twelve in number, arise from the ophthalmic as it crosses the optic nerve.-Course and target:...

      • Anterior ciliary artery
      • Central retinal artery
      • Muscular artery
  • anterior cerebral artery
  • middle cerebral artery
    Middle cerebral artery
    -External links:*...

    • anterolateral central arteries
      Anterolateral central arteries
      The anterolateral central arteries, antero-lateral ganglionic branches, or lenticulostriate arteries, are a group of small arteries which arise at the commencement of the middle cerebral artery, are arranged in two sets:...

      • internal striate
      • external striate
  • posterior communicating artery
    Posterior communicating artery
    In human anatomy, the posterior communicating artery is one of a pair of right-sided and left-sided blood vessels in the circle of Willis. It connects the three cerebral arteries of the same side. Anteriorly, it connects to the internal carotid artery prior the terminal bifurcation of the ICA...

external carotid artery
External carotid artery
In human anatomy, the external carotid artery is a major artery of the head and neck. It arises from the common carotid artery when it bifurcates into the external and internal carotid artery.-Course:...

  • Arising in carotid triangle
    • Superior thyroid artery
      Superior thyroid artery
      The superior thyroid artery arises from the external carotid artery just below the level of the greater cornu of the hyoid bone and ends in the thyroid gland.-Relations:...

      • Hyoid (infrahyoid) artery
      • Sternocleidomastoid artery
        Sternocleidomastoid artery
        Sternocleidomastoid artery can refer to:* Sternocleidomastoid branches of occipital artery* Sternocleidomastoid branch of superior thyroid artery...

      • Superior laryngeal artery
        Superior laryngeal artery
        The superior laryngeal artery accompanies the internal laryngeal branch of the superior laryngeal nerve, beneath the Thyreohyoideus.This artery branches from the superior thyroid artery near its bifurcation from the external carotid artery...

      • Cricothyroid artery
    • Ascending pharyngeal artery
      Ascending pharyngeal artery
      The ascending pharyngeal artery, the smallest branch of the external carotid, is a long, slender vessel, deeply seated in the neck, beneath the other branches of the external carotid and under the Stylopharyngeus...

    • Lingual artery
      Lingual artery
      The lingual artery arises from the external carotid between the superior thyroid and facial artery. It can be located easily in the tongue.-Path:It first runs obliquely upward and medialward to the greater cornu of the hyoid bone....

    • Facial artery
      Facial artery
      The facial artery is a branch of the external carotid artery that supplies structures of the superficial face.-Structure:...

      • cervical
        • Ascending palatine artery
          Ascending palatine artery
          The ascending palatine artery is an artery in the head that branches off the facial artery and runs up the superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle.-Structure:...

        • Tonsillar branch
          Tonsillar branch of the facial artery
          The tonsillar branch of the facial artery ascends between the Pterygoideus internus and Styloglossus, and then along the side of the pharynx, perforating the Constrictor pharyngis superior, to ramify in the substance of the palatine tonsil and root of the tongue....

        • Submental artery
          Submental artery
          The submental artery is a branch of the facial artery that runs on the underside of the chin.-Course:The submental artery is the largest of the cervical branches of the facial artery, given off just as that vessel leaves the submandibular gland: it runs forward upon the mylohyoid, just below the...

          • superficial branch
          • deep branch
        • Glandular branches
          Glandular branches of facial artery
          The glandular branches of the facial artery consist of three or four large vessels, which supply the submaxillary gland, some being prolonged to the neighboring muscles, lymph glands, and integument....

      • facial
        • Inferior labial artery
          Inferior labial artery
          The Iinferior labial artery arises near the angle of the mouth; it passes upward and forward beneath the Triangularis and, penetrating the Orbicularis oris, runs in a tortuous course along the edge of the lower lip between this muscle and the mucous membrane.It supplies the labial glands, the...

        • Superior labial artery
          Superior labial artery
          The superior labial artery is larger and more egregious than the inferior labial artery.It follows a similar course along the edge of the upper lip, lying between the mucous membrane and the Orbicularis oris, and anastomoses with the artery of the opposite side.It supplies the upper lip, and gives...

        • Lateral nasal branch
          Lateral nasal branch of facial artery
          The lateral nasal branch of facial artery is derived from the facial artery as that vessel ascends along the side of the nose.-Supplies:...

        • Angular artery
          Angular artery
          The angular artery is the terminal part of the facial artery; it ascends to the medial angle of the eye's orbit, imbedded in the fibers of the angular head of the Quadratus labii superioris, and accompanied by the angular vein....

           - the terminal branch
    • Occipital artery
      Occipital artery
      The occipital artery arises from the external carotid artery opposite the facial artery, its path is below the posterior belly of digastric to the occipital region. This artery supplies blood to the back of the scalp and sterno-mastoid muscles...

  • Posterior auricular artery
    Posterior auricular artery
    The posterior auricular artery is a small artery and arises from the external carotid artery, above the Digastric muscle and Stylohyoid muscle, opposite the apex of the styloid process....

  • Terminal branches
    • Maxillary artery
      • First portion
        • Deep auricular artery
          Deep auricular artery
          The deep auricular artery often arises in common with the anterior tympanic artery.It ascends in the substance of the parotid gland, behind the temporomandibular articulation, pierces the cartilaginous or bony wall of the external acoustic meatus, and supplies its cuticular lining and the outer...

        • Anterior tympanic artery
          Anterior tympanic artery
          The anterior tympanic artery usually arises as a branch of the mandibular part of the maxillary artery. It passes upward behind the temporomandibular articulation, enters the tympanic cavity through the petrotympanic fissure, and ramifies upon the tympanic membrane, forming a vascular circle...

        • Middle meningeal artery
          Middle meningeal artery
          The middle meningeal artery is typically the third branch of the first part of the maxillary artery, one of the two terminal branches of the external carotid artery...

          • anterior and posterior
            • ophthalmic artery
              Ophthalmic artery
              The ophthalmic artery is the first branch of the internal carotid artery distal to the cavernous sinus. Branches of the OA supply all the structures in the orbit as well as some structures in the nose, face and meninges...

               (very rarely)
            • superior tympanic artery
              Superior tympanic artery
              The superior tympanic artery, a branch of the middle meningeal on entering the cranium, runs in the canal for the Tensor tympani, and supplies this muscle and the lining membrane of the canal....

            • vessels to semilunar ganglion
            • superficial petrosal branch
            • superior tympanic artery
              Superior tympanic artery
              The superior tympanic artery, a branch of the middle meningeal on entering the cranium, runs in the canal for the Tensor tympani, and supplies this muscle and the lining membrane of the canal....

            • Orbital branches
            • Temporal branches
        • Inferior alveolar artery
          Inferior alveolar artery
          - Course :It descends with the inferior alveolar nerve to the mandibular foramen on the medial surface of the ramus of the mandible.It runs along the mandibular canal in the substance of the bone, accompanied by the nerve, and opposite the first premolar tooth divides into two branches, incisor and...

          • incisor branch
          • mental branch
          • lingual branch
          • mylohyoid branch
        • Accessory meningeal artery
      • Second portion
        • Masseteric artery
          Masseteric artery
          The masseteric artery is small and passes laterally through the mandibular notch to the deep surface of the masseter muscle, which it supplies.It anastomoses with the masseteric branches of the external maxillary artery and with the transverse facial artery....

        • Pterygoid branches
          Pterygoid branches of maxillary artery
          The pterygoid branches of the maxillary artery, irregular in their number and origin, supply the lateral pterygoid muscle and medial pterygoid muscle.-External links:*...

        • Deep temporal arteries
          Deep temporal arteries
          The deep temporal arteries, two in number, anterior and posterior, ascend between the Temporalis and the pericranium.They supply the muscle, and anastomose with the middle temporal artery....

           (anterior and posterior)
        • Buccal artery
      • Third portion
        • Sphenopalatine artery
          Sphenopalatine artery
          The sphenopalatine artery is an artery of the head, commonly known as the artery of epistaxis.-Course:The sphenopalatine artery is a branch of the maxillary artery which passes through the sphenopalatine foramen into the cavity of the nose, at the back part of the superior meatus...

          , terminal branch
          • posterior lateral nasal branches
          • posterior septal branches
        • Descending palatine artery
          Descending palatine artery
          -Course:It descends through the pterygopalatine canal with the anterior palatine branch of the sphenopalatine ganglion, and, emerging from the greater palatine foramen, runs forward in a groove on the medial side of the alveolar border of the hard palate to the incisive canal; the terminal branch...

          • greater palatine artery
          • lesser palatine arteries
        • Infraorbital artery
          Infraorbital artery
          The infraorbital artery is an artery in the head that runs in the maxilla, emerging through the infraorbital foramen, just under the orbit of the eye.-Course:...

          • orbital branches
          • anterior superior alveolar arteries
            Anterior superior alveolar arteries
            The anterior superior alveolar arteries originate from the infraorbital artery; they supply the upper incisors and canines; they also supply the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus.-See also:* Posterior superior alveolar artery...

        • Posterior superior alveolar artery
          Posterior superior alveolar artery
          The posterior superior alveolar artery is given off from the maxillary, frequently in conjunction with the infraorbital artery just as the trunk of the vessel is passing into the pterygopalatine fossa.-Branches:...

        • branches to alveolar canals
          Alveolar canals
          The infratemporal surface of the maxilla is pierced about its center by the apertures of the alveolar canals, which transmit the posterior superior alveolar vessels and nerves....

        • branches to gingiva
          The gingiva , or gums, consists of the mucosal tissue that lies over the mandible and maxilla inside the mouth.-General description:...

        • Pharyngeal artery
        • Artery of pterygoid canal
    • Superficial temporal artery
      Superficial temporal artery
      In human anatomy, the superficial temporal artery is a major artery of the head. It arises from the external carotid artery when it bifurcates into the superficial temporal artery and maxillary artery....

      • Transverse facial artery
        Transverse facial artery
        The transverse facial artery is an artery that branches from the superficial temporal artery and runs across the face.-Course:The transverse facial artery is given off from the superficial temporal artery before that vessel leaves the parotid gland; running forward through the substance of the...

      • Middle temporal artery
        Middle temporal artery
        The middle temporal artery arises immediately above the zygomatic arch, and, perforating the temporal fascia, gives branches to the Temporalis, anastomosing with the deep temporal branches of the internal maxillary....

      • Anterior auricular branch
      • frontal branch
        Frontal branch of superficial temporal artery
        The frontal branch of superficial temporal artery runs tortuously upward and forward to the forehead, supplying the muscles, integument, and pericranium in this region, and anastomosing with the supraorbital and frontal arteries....

      • parietal branch
        Parietal branch of superficial temporal artery
        The parietal branch of superficial temporal artery , larger than the frontal, curves upward and backward on the side of the head, lying superficial to the temporal fascia, and anastomosing with its fellow of the opposite side, and with the posterior auricular and occipital arteries....

vertebral artery
Vertebral artery
The vertebral arteries are major arteries of the neck. They branch from the subclavian arteries and merge to form the single midline basilar artery in a complex called the vertebrobasilar system, which supplies blood to the posterior part of the circle of Willis and thus significant portions of the...

  • Meningeal branches of vertebral artery
    Meningeal branches of vertebral artery
    The meningeal branches of vertebral artery springs from the vertebral opposite the foramen magnum, ramifies between the bone and dura mater in the cerebellar fossa, and supplies the falx cerebelli....

  • Posterior spinal artery
    Posterior spinal artery
    The posterior spinal artery arises from the vertebral artery, adjacent to the medulla oblongata.-Path:It passes posteriorly to descend the medulla passing in front of the posterior roots of the spinal nerves...

  • ascending branch
  • descending branch
  • Anterior spinal artery
    Anterior spinal artery
    In human anatomy, the anterior spinal artery is the blood vessel that supplies the anterior portion of the spinal cord. It arises from branches of the vertebral arteries and is supplied by the anterior segmental medullary arteries, including the artery of Adamkiewicz, and courses along the anterior...

  • Posterior inferior cerebellar artery
    Posterior inferior cerebellar artery
    The posterior inferior cerebellar artery , the largest branch of the vertebral artery, is one of the three main arterial blood supplies for the cerebellum, part of the brain...

    • medial branch
    • lateral branch
  • Basilar artery
    Basilar artery
    In human anatomy, the basilar artery is one of the arteries that supplies the brain with oxygen-rich blood.The two vertebral arteries and the basilar artery are sometimes together called the vertebrobasilar system, which supplies blood to the posterior part of circle of Willis and anastomoses with...

    • Anterior inferior cerebellar artery
      Anterior inferior cerebellar artery
      The anterior inferior cerebellar artery arises from the basilar artery at the level of the junction between the medulla oblongata and the pons in the brainstem. It passes backward to be distributed to the anterior part of the undersurface of the cerebellum, anastomosing with the posterior inferior...

    • pontine branches

internal thoracic artery
Internal thoracic artery
In human anatomy, the internal thoracic artery , previously known as the internal mammary artery , is an artery that supplies the anterior chest wall and the breasts...

  • Mediastinal branches
  • Thymic branches
  • Pericardiophrenic artery
  • Sternal branches
  • Perforating branches
  • six anterior intercostal branches
    • upper branches
    • lower branches of the space anastomoses
  • Musculophrenic artery
    Musculophrenic artery
    The musculophrenic artery arises from the internal thoracic artery, directed obliquely downward and laterally, behind the cartilages of the false ribs; it perforates the diaphragm at the eighth or ninth costal cartilage, and ends, considerably reduced in size, opposite the last intercostal space.It...

    • intercostal branches {three }
    • branches to lower part of the pericardium
      The pericardium is a double-walled sac that contains the heart and the roots of the great vessels.-Layers:...

    • branches to diaphragm
    • branches to abdominal muscles.
  • Superior epigastric artery
    Superior epigastric artery
    In human anatomy, superior epigastric artery refers to a blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood and arises from the internal thoracic artery...

thyrocervical trunk
Thyrocervical trunk
The thyrocervical trunk is a branch of the subclavian artery arising from the first portion of this vessel, i.e. between the origin of the subclavian artery and the inner border of the scalenus anterior muscle...

  • inferior thyroid artery
    Inferior thyroid artery
    The inferior thyroid artery arrises from the thyrocervical trunk and passes upward, in front of the vertebral artery and Longus colli, then turns medially behind the carotid sheath and its contents, and also behind the sympathetic trunk, the middle cervical ganglion resting upon the...

  • suprascapular artery
    Suprascapular artery
    The suprascapular artery is a branch of the thyrocervical trunk.-Course:At first, it passes downward and laterally across the scalenus anterior and phrenic nerve, being covered by the sternocleidomastoid muscle; it then crosses the subclavian artery and the brachial plexus, running behind and...

  • transverse cervical artery
    Transverse cervical artery
    The transverse cervical artery is a branch of the thyrocervical trunk, running at a higher level than the suprascapular artery.-Path:...

    • Superficial branch
    • Deep branch/Dorsal scapular artery
      Dorsal scapular artery
      The dorsal scapular artery is a blood vessel which supplies thelevator scapulae, rhomboids, and trapezius.-Origin:...


Deep cervical artery
Deep cervical artery
-Course:It arises, in most cases, from the costocervical trunk, and is analogous to the posterior branch of an aortic intercostal artery: occasionally it is a separate branch from the subclavian artery....

  • costocervical trunk
    Costocervical trunk
    The costocervical trunk arises from the upper and back part of the subclavian artery, behind the scalenus anterior on the right side, and medial to that muscle on the left side....

  • Deep cervical artery
    Deep cervical artery
    -Course:It arises, in most cases, from the costocervical trunk, and is analogous to the posterior branch of an aortic intercostal artery: occasionally it is a separate branch from the subclavian artery....

  • Supreme intercostal artery
    • 1st and 2nd posterior intercostal artery

Axillary artery
Axillary artery
In human anatomy, the axillary artery is a large blood vessel that conveys oxygenated blood to the lateral aspect of the thorax, the axilla and the upper limb...

  • Superior thoracic artery
    Superior thoracic artery
    The superior thoracic artery is a small vessel normally arising from the first division of the axillary artery, but may arise from the thoracoacromial artery, itself a branch of the second division of the axillary artery....

  • Thoracoacromial artery
    Thoracoacromial artery
    The thoracoacromial artery is a short trunk, which arises from the forepart of the axillary artery, its origin being generally overlapped by the upper edge of the Pectoralis minor.-Branches:...

  • Lateral thoracic artery
    Lateral thoracic artery
    In human anatomy, the lateral thoracic artery is a blood vessel that supplies oxygenated blood to the lateral structures of the thorax and breast....

  • Subscapular artery
    Subscapular artery
    The subscapular artery, the largest branch of the axillary artery, arises at the lower border of the Subscapularis muscle, which it follows to the inferior angle of the scapula, where it anastomoses with the lateral thoracic and intercostal arteries and with the descending branch of the transverse...

  • Anterior humeral circumflex artery
    Anterior humeral circumflex artery
    The anterior humeral circumflex artery , considerably smaller than the posterior, arises nearly opposite it, from the lateral side of the axillary artery....

  • Posterior humeral circumflex artery
    Posterior humeral circumflex artery
    The posterior humeral circumflex artery arises from the axillary artery at the lower border of the subscapularis, and runs posteriorally with the axillary nerve through the quadrangular space.It winds around the neck of the humerus and is distributed to the Deltoid muscle and shoulder-joint,...

Brachial artery
Brachial artery
The brachial artery is the major blood vessel of the arm.It is the continuation of the axillary artery beyond the lower margin of teres major muscle. It continues down the ventral surface of the arm until it reaches the cubital fossa at the elbow. It then divides into the radial and ulnar arteries...

  • Profunda brachii artery
    • radial collateral artery
      Radial collateral artery
      The radial collateral artery is a branch of the deep brachial artery. It arises in the arm proper and anastomoses with the radial recurrent artery near the elbow....

    • medial collateral artery
      Medial collateral artery
      The medial collateral artery is a branch of deep brachial artery. It anastomoses with the interosseous recurrent artery near the elbow.-See also:* radial collateral artery* superior ulnar collateral artery...

    • branches to the deltoid muscle
      Deltoid muscle
      In human anatomy, the deltoid muscle is the muscle forming the rounded contour of the shoulder. Anatomically, it appears to be made up of three distinct sets of fibers though electromyography suggests that it consists of at least seven groups that can be independently coordinated by the central...

  • Superior ulnar collateral artery
    Superior ulnar collateral artery
    The superior ulnar collateral artery , of small size, arises from the brachial a little below the middle of the arm; it frequently springs from the upper part of the a...

    • Posterior ulnar recurrent artery
      Posterior ulnar recurrent artery
      The posterior ulnar recurrent artery is much larger than the anterior ulnar recurrent artery, and arises somewhat lower than it.It passes backward and medialward on the Flexor digitorum profundus, behind the Flexor digitorum sublimis, and ascends behind the medial epicondyle of the humerus.In the...

  • Inferior ulnar collateral artery
    Inferior ulnar collateral artery
    The inferior ulnar collateral artery arises about 5 cm. above the elbow.-Course:It passes medialward upon the Brachialis, and piercing the medial intermuscular septum, winds around the back of the humerus between the Triceps brachii and the bone, forming, by its junction with the profunda brachii,...

    • Ascending branches
    • Descending branches
  • radial artery
    Radial artery
    In human anatomy, the radial artery is the main blood vessel, with oxygenated blood, of the lateral aspect of the forearm.-Course:The radial artery arises from the bifurcation of the brachial artery in the cubital fossa. It runs distally on the anterior part of the forearm...

    • radial branches in the forearm
      -See also:*Forearm flexors*Forearm muscles...

    • Radial recurrent artery
      Radial recurrent artery
      The radial recurrent artery arises from the radial artery immediately below the elbow.It ascends between the branches of the radial nerve, lying on the Supinator and then between the Brachioradialis and Brachialis, supplying these muscles and the elbow-joint, and anastomosing with the terminal part...

    • Palmar carpal branch of radial artery
      Palmar carpal branch of radial artery
      The palmar carpal branch of the radial artery is a small branch of the radial artery which arises near the lower border of the pronator quadratus, and, running across the front of the carpus, anastomoses with the palmar carpal branch of the ulnar artery....

    • Superficial palmar branch of the radial artery
    • radial branches at the wrist
      In human anatomy, the wrist is variously defined as 1) the carpus or carpal bones, the complex of eight bones forming the proximal skeletal segment of the hand;...

    • Dorsal carpal branch of radial artery
    • First dorsal metacarpal artery
    • radial branches in the hand
    • Princeps pollicis artery
      Princeps pollicis artery
      The princeps pollicis arises from the radial artery just as it turns medially towards the deep part of the hand; it descends between the first dorsal interosseous muscle and the oblique head of the adductor pollicis, along the medial side of the first metacarpal bone to the base of the proximal...

    • Radialis indicis
    • Deep palmar arch
      Deep palmar arch
      The deep palmar arch is an arterial network found in the palm. It is usually formed mainly from the terminal part of the radial artery, with the ulnar artery contributing via its deep palmar branch...

  • ulnar artery
    Ulnar artery
    The ulnar artery is the main blood vessel, with oxygenated blood, of the medial aspect of the forearm. It arises from the brachial artery and terminates in the superficial palmar arch, which joins with the superficial branch of the radial artery...

    • anterior ulnar recurrent artery
      Anterior ulnar recurrent artery
      The anterior ulnar recurrent artery arises immediately below the elbow-joint, runs upward between the Brachialis and Pronator teres, supplies twigs to those muscles, and, in front of the medial epicondyle, anastomoses with the superior and inferior ulnar collateral arteries....

    • posterior ulnar recurrent artery
      Posterior ulnar recurrent artery
      The posterior ulnar recurrent artery is much larger than the anterior ulnar recurrent artery, and arises somewhat lower than it.It passes backward and medialward on the Flexor digitorum profundus, behind the Flexor digitorum sublimis, and ascends behind the medial epicondyle of the humerus.In the...

    • common interosseous artery
      Common interosseous artery
      The common interosseous artery, about 1 cm. in length, arises immediately below the tuberosity of the radius from the Ulnar artery.Passing backward to the upper border of the interosseous membrane, it divides into two branches, the anterior interosseous and posterior interosseous arteries....

    • posterior interosseous artery
      Posterior interosseous artery
      The posterior interosseous artery is an artery of the forearm.It passes backward between the oblique cord and the upper border of the interosseous membrane...

      • interosseous recurrent artery
        Interosseous recurrent artery
        The interosseous recurrent artery is an artery of the forearm which arises from the posterior interosseous artery near its origin. It ascends to the interval between the lateral epicondyle and olecranon, on or through the fibers of the supinator but beneath the anconeus. It anastomoses with the...

    • anterior interosseous artery
      • muscular branches
      • nutrient arteries of radius
        In classical geometry, a radius of a circle or sphere is any line segment from its center to its perimeter. By extension, the radius of a circle or sphere is the length of any such segment, which is half the diameter. If the object does not have an obvious center, the term may refer to its...

         and ulna
        The ulna is one of the two long bones in the forearm, the other being the radius. It is prismatic in form and runs parallel to the radius, which is shorter and smaller. In anatomical position The ulna is one of the two long bones in the forearm, the other being the radius. It is prismatic in form...

      • branch to volar carpal network
    • muscular artery
    • volar carpal
    • palmar carpal arch
      Palmar carpal arch
      The palmar carpal arch is an anatomical term that denotes the combination of two arteries: the palmar carpal branch of the radial artery and the palmar carpal branch of the ulnar artery....

    • dorsal carpal
    • dorsal carpal arch
      Dorsal carpal arch
      The dorsal carpal arch is an anatomical term for the combination of dorsal carpal branch of the radial artery and the dorsal carpal branch of the ulnar artery near the back of the wrist....

    • deep volar
    • superficial volar arch

Thoracic aorta
Thoracic aorta
The thoracic aorta is contained in the posterior mediastinal cavity.It begins at the lower border of the fourth thoracic vertebra where it is continuous with the aortic arch, and ends in front of the lower border of the twelfth thoracic vertebra, at the aortic hiatus in the diaphragm where it...


  • bronchial arteries
    Bronchial artery
    In human anatomy, the bronchial arteries help supply the lungs with nutrition and oxygenated blood. Although there is much variation, there are usually two bronchial arteries that run to the left lung, and one to the right lung.-Origin:...

  • esophageal arteries
  • mediastinal branches
  • Lower 9(3rd to 11th) posterior intercostal arteries
    Posterior intercostal arteries
    The posterior intercostal arteries are arteries that supply blood to the intercostal spaces.There are eleven posterior intercostal arteries on each side....

  • subcostal arteries
    Subcostal arteries
    The subcostal arteries, so named because they lie below the last ribs, constitute the lowest pair of branches derived from the thoracic aorta, and are in series with the intercostal arteries....

  • superior phrenic artery
    Superior phrenic artery
    The superior phrenic arteries are small and arise from the lower part of the thoracic aorta; they are distributed to the posterior part of the upper surface of the diaphragm, and anastomose with the musculophrenic and pericardiacophrenic arteries....


  • left gastric artery
    Left gastric artery
    In human anatomy, the left gastric artery arises from the celiac artery, and runs along the superior portion of the lesser curvature of the stomach. Branches also supply the lower esophagus...

    • hepatic branch
    • oesophageal branch
  • common hepatic artery
    Common hepatic artery
    In anatomy, the common hepatic artery is a short blood vessel that supplies oxygenated blood to the liver, pylorus , duodenum and pancreas....

    • proper hepatic artery
      • Cystic artery
        Cystic artery
        -Most common arrangement:In the classic arrangement, occurring with a frequency of approximately 70%, a singular cystic artery originates from the geniculate flexure of the right hepatic artery in the upper portion of the hepatobiliary triangle...

      • Terminal branches
        • right hepatic artery
        • left hepatic artery
    • right gastric artery
      Right gastric artery
      The right gastric artery arises from the common hepatic artery, above the pylorus, descends to the pyloric end of the stomach, and passes from right to left along its lesser curvature, supplying it with branches, and anastomosing with the left gastric artery.-Additional images:-External links: -...

    • gastroduodenal artery
      Gastroduodenal artery
      In anatomy, the gastroduodenal artery is a small blood vessel in the abdomen.It supplies blood directly to the pylorus and proximal part of the duodenum, and indirectly to the pancreatic head .It most commonly arises from the common hepatic artery of the celiac trunk, but there are...

      • right gastro-omental artery
        Right gastro-omental artery
        The right gastro-omental artery is one of the two terminal branches of the gastroduodenal artery. It runs from right to left along the greater curvature of the stomach, between the layers of the greater omentum, anastomosing with the left gastroepiploic branch of the splenic artery.Except at the...

      • superior pancreaticoduodenal artery
        Superior pancreaticoduodenal artery
        The superior pancreaticoduodenal artery is an artery that supplies blood to the duodenum and pancreas. It is a branch of the gastroduodenal artery, which most commonly arises from the common hepatic artery of the celiac trunk...

  • splenic artery
    Splenic artery
    In anatomy, the splenic artery is the blood vessel that supplies oxygenated blood to the spleen. It branches from the celiac artery, and follows a course superior to the pancreas.-Branches:...

    • dorsal pancreatic artery
      Dorsal pancreatic artery
      The dorsal pancreatic artery is a branch of the splenic artery. It anastomoses with the superior pancreaticoduodenal artery and continues as the inferior pancreatic artery on its lower border. -External links:...

    • short gastric arteries
      Short gastric arteries
      The short gastric arteries consist of from five to seven small branches, which arise from the end of the splenic artery, and from its terminal divisions....

    • left gastro-omental artery
      Left gastro-omental artery
      The left gastro-omental artery , the largest branch of the splenic artery, runs from left to right about a finger’s breadth or more from the greater curvature of the stomach, between the layers of the greater omentum, and anastomoses with the right gastroepiploic.In its course it distributes:*...

superior mesenteric
Superior mesenteric artery
In human anatomy, the superior mesenteric artery arises from the anterior surface of the abdominal aorta, just inferior to the origin of the celiac trunk, and supplies the intestine from the lower part of the duodenum through two-thirds of the transverse colon, as well as the pancreas.-Location...


  • inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery
    Inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery
    The inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery is a branch of the superior mesenteric artery or from its first intestinal branch, opposite the upper border of the inferior part of the duodenum....

  • middle colic artery
    Middle colic artery
    The middle colic artery is a branch of the superior mesenteric artery that mostly supplies the transverse colon. It arises just below the pancreas, and, passing downward and forward between the layers of the transverse mesocolon, divides into two branches: right and left.* The right branch...

  • right colic artery
    Right colic artery
    The Right Colic Artery arises from about the middle of the concavity of the superior mesenteric artery, or from a stem common to it and the ileocolic....

  • intestinal arteries
    Intestinal arteries
    The intestinal arteries arise from the convex side of the superior mesenteric artery. They are usually from twelve to fifteen in number, and are distributed to the jejunum and ileum.-Nomenclature:...

  • ileocolic artery
    Ileocolic artery
    The ileocolic artery is the lowest branch arising from the concavity of the superior mesenteric artery.It passes downward and to the right behind the peritoneum toward the right iliac fossa, where it divides into a superior and an inferior branch; the inferior anastomoses with the end of the...

interlobar artery 
  • arcuate artery
    Arcuate artery
    Arcuate artery can refer to:* Arcuate artery of the foot* Arcuate arteries of the kidney* Arcuate vessels of uterus...

    • interlobular artery
      • afferent arteriole
      • efferent arteriole
        Efferent arteriole
        The efferent arterioles are blood vessels that are part of the urinary tract of organisms. The efferent arterioles form from a convergence of the capillaries of the glomerulus...

        • descending vasa recta
          Vasa recta
          In the blood supply of the kidney, the vasa recta renis form a series of straight capillaries in the medulla...

        • peritubular capillaries
          Peritubular capillaries
          In the renal system, peritubular capillaries are tiny blood vessels that travel alongside nephrons allowing reabsorption and secretion between blood and the inner lumen of the nephron....

inferior mesenteric
Inferior mesenteric artery
In human anatomy, the inferior mesenteric artery, often abbreviated as IMA, supplies the large intestine from the left colic flexure to the upper part of the rectum, which includes the descending colon, the sigmoid colon, and part of the rectum...


  • left colic artery
    Left colic artery
    The left colic artery is a branch of the inferior mesenteric artery that runs to the left behind the peritoneum and in front of the psoas major muscle, and after a short, but variable, course divides into an ascending and a descending branch; the stem of the artery or its branches cross the left...

    • ascending branch
    • descending branch
  • sigmoid arteries
    Sigmoid arteries
    The sigmoid arteries, two or three in number, run obliquely downward and to the left behind the peritoneum and in front of the Psoas major, ureter, and internal spermatic vessels....

  • superior rectal artery
    Superior rectal artery
    The superior rectal artery is an artery that descends into the pelvis to supply blood to the rectum.-Structure:The superior rectal artery is the continuation of the inferior mesenteric artery...

Anterior division

  • obturator artery
    Obturator artery
    The obturator artery is a branch of the internal iliac artery that passes antero-inferiorly on the lateral wall of the pelvis, to the upper part of the obturator foramen, and, escaping from the pelvic cavity through the obturator canal, it divides into both an anterior and a posterior...

  • superior vesical artery
    Superior vesical artery
    The superior vesical artery supplies numerous branches to the upper part of the bladder.From one of these a slender vessel, the artery to the ductus deferens, takes origin and accompanies the duct in its course to the testis, where it anastomoses with the internal spermatic artery.Other branches...

  • Vaginal artery
    Vaginal artery
    -Terminology:The vaginal artery is usually defined as a branch of the internal iliac artery.Some sources say that the vaginal artery can arise from the internal iliac artery or the uterine artery...

     (females) / inferior vesical artery
    Inferior vesical artery
    The inferior vesical artery is an artery in the pelvis that supplies the lower part of the bladder.-Structure:The inferior vesical artery is a branch of the anterior division of the internal iliac artery. It frequently arises in common with the middle rectal artery, and is distributed to the...


  • middle rectal artery
    Middle rectal artery
    The middle rectal artery is an artery in the pelvis that supplies blood to the rectum.-Structure:The middle rectal artery usually arises with the inferior vesical artery, a branch of the internal iliac artery...

  • internal pudendal artery
    Internal pudendal artery
    The internal pudendal artery is an artery that branches off the internal iliac artery, providing blood to the external genitalia.The internal pudendal artery is the terminal branch of the anterior trunk of the internal iliac artery...

    • inferior rectal artery
      Inferior rectal artery
      The inferior rectal artery is an artery that supplies blood to the lower half of the anal canal.-Structure:The inferior rectal artery arises from the internal pudendal artery as it passes above the ischial tuberosity....

    • perineal artery
      Perineal artery
      The perineal artery arises from the internal pudendal artery, and turns upward, crossing either over or under the Transversus perinæi superficialis, and runs forward, parallel to the pubic arch, in the interspace between the Bulbocavernosus and Ischiocavernosus, both of which it supplies, and...

    • posterior scrotal branches
      Posterior scrotal branches
      Posterior scrotal branches can refer to:* Posterior scrotal nerves* Posterior scrotal branches of the internal pudendal artery...

       in males / posterior labial branches in females
    • urethral artery
      Urethral artery
      The urethral artery arises from the internal pudendal artery a short distance in front of the artery of the urethral bulb.In the male, it runs forward and medially, pierces the inferior fascia of the urogenital diaphragm and enters the corpus cavernosum urethræ, in which it is continued forward to...

    • artery of bulb of penis in males / artery of bulb of vestibule
      Artery of bulb of vestibule
      -External links: - "The Female Perineum: The Deep Perineal Pouch"...

       in females
    • dorsal artery of penis in males / dorsal artery of clitoris
      Dorsal artery of clitoris
      -External links: - "Inferior view of female perineum, branches of the internal pudendal artery."...

       in females
    • deep artery of penis in males / deep artery of clitoris
      Deep artery of clitoris
      -External links: - "Inferior view of female perineum, branches of the internal pudendal artery."...

       in females
  • inferior gluteal artery
    Inferior gluteal artery
    The inferior gluteal artery , the larger of the two terminal branches of the anterior trunk of the internal iliac artery, is distributed chiefly to the buttock and back of the thigh....

    • Accompanying artery of ischiadic nerve
  • Uterine artery
    Uterine artery
    -Structure:The uterine artery usually arises from the anterior division of the internal iliac artery. It travels to the uterus, crossing the ureter anteriorly, reaching the uterus by traveling in the cardinal ligament....

     (females) / deferential artery (males)
    • Vaginal artery
      Vaginal artery
      -Terminology:The vaginal artery is usually defined as a branch of the internal iliac artery.Some sources say that the vaginal artery can arise from the internal iliac artery or the uterine artery...

  • (obliterated) umbilical artery
    Umbilical artery
    The umbilical artery is a paired artery that is found in the abdominal and pelvic regions. In the fetus, it extends into the umbilical cord.-Umbilical arteries in the fetus:...

Posterior division

  • iliolumbar artery
    Iliolumbar artery
    The iliolumbar artery is the first branch of the posterior trunk of the internal iliac artery.-Course:The iliolumbar artery turns upward behind the obturator nerve and the external iliac artery and vein, to the medial border of the psoas major, behind which it divides into:* Lumbar branch of...

    • Lumbar branch
    • Iliac branch
  • lateral sacral artery
    Lateral sacral artery
    The lateral sacral arteries arise from the posterior division of the internal iliac artery; there are usually two, a superior and an inferior.-Superior:...

    • Superior
    • Inferior
  • superior gluteal artery
    Superior gluteal artery
    The superior gluteal artery is the largest branch of the internal iliac artery, and appears to be the continuation of the posterior division of that vessel....

    • Superficial branch
    • Deep branch

external iliac artery
External iliac artery
The external iliac arteries are two major arteries which bifurcate off the common iliac arteries anterior to the sacroiliac joint of the pelvis. They proceed anterior and inferior along the medial border of the psoas major muscles...


  • Inferior epigastric artery
    Inferior epigastric artery
    In human anatomy, inferior epigastric artery refers to the artery that arises from the external iliac artery and anastomoses with the superior epigastric artery...

  • Deep circumflex iliac artery
    Deep circumflex iliac artery
    The deep circumflex iliac artery is an artery in the pelvis that travels along the iliac crest of the pelvic bone.-Course:...

  • femoral artery
    Femoral artery
    The femoral artery is a general term comprising a few large arteries in the thigh. They begin at the inguinal ligament and end just above the knee at adductor canal or Hunter's canal traversing the extent of the femur bone....

    • superficial epigastric artery
      Superficial epigastric artery
      The superficial epigastric artery arises from the front of the femoral artery about 1 cm below the inguinal ligament, and, passing through the femoral sheath and the fascia cribrosa, turns upward in front of the inguinal ligament, and ascends between the two layers of the superficial fascia of the...

    • Superficial circumflex iliac artery
    • Superficial external pudendal artery
      Superficial external pudendal artery
      The superficial external pudendal artery arises from the medial side of the femoral artery, close to the superficial epigastric artery and superficial iliac circumflex artery.-Course and target:...

    • Deep external pudendal artery
      Deep external pudendal artery
      The deep external pudendal artery , more deeply seated than the superficial external pudendal artery, passes medialward across the Pectineus and the Adductor longus muscles; it is covered by the fascia lata, which it pierces at the medial side of the thigh, and is distributed, in the male, to the...

    • Deep femoral artery
      • Lateral femoral circumflex artery
        Lateral femoral circumflex artery
        The lateral circumflex femoral artery is an artery in the upper thigh.-Structure:...

        • ascending branch
        • descending branch
        • transverse branch
      • Medial femoral circumflex artery
        Medial femoral circumflex artery
        The medial circumflex femoral artery is an artery in the upper thigh that helps supply blood to the neck of the femur.-Structure:...

        • ascending branch
        • descending branch
          • superficial branch
          • deep branch
          • acetabular branch
      • Perforating arteries
        Perforating arteries
        The perforating arteries, usually three in number, are so named because they perforate the tendon of the Adductor magnus to reach the back of the thigh....

        • first perforating artery
        • second perforating artery
        • third/fourth perforating artery
    • Descending genicular artery
      Descending genicular artery
      The descending genicular artery arises from the femoral artery just before it passes through the opening in the tendon of the Adductor magnusIt immediately divides into:* Saphenous branch of descending genicular artery...

      • Saphenous branch
      • Musculo-articular branch

Popliteal artery
Popliteal artery
In human anatomy, the popliteal artery is defined as the extension of the "superficial" femoral artery after passing through the adductor canal and adductor hiatus above the knee...


  • anterior tibial artery
    Anterior tibial artery
    The anterior tibial artery of the lower limb carries blood to the anterior compartment of the leg and dorsal surface of the foot, from the popliteal artery.It is accompanied by a deep vein, the anterior tibial vein, along its course....

    • post. tibial recurrent artery
    • ant. tibial recurrent artery
    • muscular branches
    • anterior medial malleolar artery
      Anterior medial malleolar artery
      The anterior medial malleolar artery arises about 5 cm. above the ankle-joint and passes behind the tendons of the Extensor hallucis longus and Tibialis anterior, to the medial side of the ankle, upon which it ramifies, anastomosing with branches of the posterior tibial and medial plantar arteries...

    • anterior lateral malleolar artery
      Anterior lateral malleolar artery
      The anterior lateral malleolar artery passes beneath the tendons of the Extensor digitorum longus and Peronæus tertius and supplies the lateral side of the ankle, anastomosing with the perforating branch of the peroneal artery, and with ascending twigs from the lateral tarsal artery.-External...

    • Dorsalis pedis artery
      Dorsalis pedis artery
      In human anatomy, the dorsalis pedis artery , is a blood vessel of the lower limb that carries oxygenated blood from the dorsal surface of the foot. It arises at the anterior aspect of the ankle joint and is a continuation of the anterior tibial artery...

  • posterior tibial artery
    Posterior tibial artery
    The posterior tibial artery of the lower limb carries blood to the posterior compartment of the leg and plantar surface of the foot, from the popliteal artery...

    • fibular artery
      Fibular artery
      In anatomy, the fibular artery supplies blood to the lateral compartment of the leg and is typically a branch of posterior tibial artery.-Structure:...

       (sometimes from popliteal artery)
      • communicating branch to the anterior tibial artery
        Anterior tibial artery
        The anterior tibial artery of the lower limb carries blood to the anterior compartment of the leg and dorsal surface of the foot, from the popliteal artery.It is accompanied by a deep vein, the anterior tibial vein, along its course....

      • perforating branch to the posterior tibial artery
        Posterior tibial artery
        The posterior tibial artery of the lower limb carries blood to the posterior compartment of the leg and plantar surface of the foot, from the popliteal artery...

    • medial plantar artery
      Medial plantar artery
      The medial plantar artery , much smaller than the lateral, passes forward along the medial side of the foot.It is at first situated above the Abductor hallucis, and then between it and the Flexor digitorum brevis, both of which it supplies.At the base of the first metatarsal bone, where it is much...

    • lateral plantar artery
      Lateral plantar artery
      The lateral plantar artery , much larger than the medial, passes obliquely lateralward and forward to the base of the fifth metatarsal bone....

  • sural artery
  • medial superior genicular artery
    • Branch to vastus medialis
      Vastus medialis
      The vastus medialis , often called the 'teardrop' muscle, is a medially located muscle of the quadriceps.-Function:The vasti appear to act largely in a co-ordinated manner throughout the control of knee extension...

    • Branch to surface of the femur and the knee-joint
  • lateral superior genicular artery
    • superficial branch
    • deep branch
  • middle genicular artery
    Middle genicular artery
    The middle genicular artery is a small branch, arising opposite the back of the knee-joint.-Course and target:It pierces the oblique popliteal ligament, and supplies the ligaments and synovial membrane in the interior of the articulation....

  • medial inferior genicular artery
    • branch to popliteus
  • lateral inferior genicular artery

See also

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