Ambroise-Louis-Marie d'Hozier
Ambroise-Louis-Marie d'Hozier (1764–1846), nephew of Louis-Pierre d'Hozier
Louis-Pierre d'Hozier
Louis-Pierre d'Hozier , son of Louis Roger d'Hozier, succeeded his uncle Charles as juge d'armes.He published the Armorial général, ou registre de la noblesse de France , which must not be confounded with the publication written by his uncle, inasmuch as it related solely to noble families and was...

, was the last of the juges d'armes of France
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...


He held the position of president of the cour des comptes, aides et finances of Normandy, and was therefore generally known as President d'Hozier, to distinguish him from the other members of the family.

After the Restoration he was employed to verify French armorial bearings for the conseil du sceau des titres. He died in obscurity.

His collection, which was purchased in 1851 by the Bibliothèque Nationale, comprised 136 volumes, 165 portfolios of documents and 200 packets of extracts from title-deeds, known as the Carrés d'Hozier.

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