A Terrible Mistake: The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA's Secret Cold War Experiments
A Terrible Mistake: The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Secret Cold War Experiments is a non-fiction book by H.P. Albarelli Jr, a writer and investigative reporter. The book is a result of Albarelli's ten-year investigation into the controversial death of Army biochemist Dr. Frank Olson
Frank Olson
Frank Olson was a U.S. Army biological warfare specialist employed at Fort Detrick in Maryland. Believed to have committed suicide in 1953 as a result of depression, it was later revealed that he had been exposed to LSD and other psychoactive drugs as part of experiments, leading some to believe...


Albarelli is a graduate of Antioch Law School and is a noted expert on the history of the CIA's behavior modification and assassination programs of the 1950s.

Frank Olson's Death

On November 28, 1953, Army biochemist working with the CIA fell to his death from a hotel window in New York City. Twenty-two years later it was revealed that the scientist, Frank Olson, had been drugged with LSD days before his death. In 1996, the New York District Attorney’s Office opened a murder investigation into Olson’s strange death. The book documents the several facts surrounding the death of Olson.

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