British Medical Association
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I am a Doctor of Naprapathic Medicine,Known as a Naprapath or neuromyologist. We are trained to evaluate and treat connective tissue disorders and pain syndromes. we are trained in connective tissue manipulation, Diet/Nutrition and use of therapeutic modalities such as hydrocollation, muscle stimulation, etc., i would like to relocated to the UK and work with a Medical physician there.Is this Possible at this time? Naprapaths have been praticing in the u.s. since 1907 with a remarkable success rate. I personally have worked with anesthesiologists (pain doctors)and Orthopaedic physicians. It would be of tremendous value to augment the two diciplines in a clinic or hospital setting. Further info may also be obtained from the American Naprapathic Association as well as the College of Naprapathic Medicine. Your feedback would be greatly appreciated.