Excursion Inlet, Alaska
XIP--- Or Excursion Inlet
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I worked there as a port engineer for several years, I started when Bud was the foreman and Gary Moore was running the place! It was a fantastic job working for Bud,When Ocean Beauty seafoods took over everything changed! And it was no longer the same! I miss the old times working there it was a place you actually looked forward to getting up and going to work! My family and I lived up the bay about five miles from the cannery for a year, It was the most peaceful time I remember! We spent time as a family should and would visit the very few people who live remote as we did. the winter watchman Bruce Gordon was a good friend and we would have pizza together when the mail plane would come once a week! I really miss the place and would love to go back, however with Dave Forbush running the show there is no way!
replied to:  chazzm
Replied to:  I worked there as a port engineer for several years, I...
I remember Bruce. He was always tinkering with his radios. I purchased 4.5 acres there in Excursion Inlet in 1997. I haven't been there in several years and see it hasn't changed much from the photos. I am trying to locate a individual name Chuck who lives towards the mouth of the inlet most of the year. He and his wife are retired school teachers who live in a nice cabin they built many moons ago. I can't remember his last name and he would always have a ATV waiting at the air strip upon my arrival.
If you happen to know him or have any way I might contact him, please let me know.
replied to:  TreeHouseGreg2
Replied to:  I remember Bruce. He was always tinkering with his radios....
Yes I do remember Chuck and his wife!! i filled thier propane tanks and gasoline, etc... I would suggest going to http:\www.btpost.net thats Bruces web page for XIP there are or should be ways to contact people from there! let me know if you find them! Im looking for Lou and Jessy ackerman from thier as well!!! good luck!
replied to:  chazzm
Replied to:  Yes I do remember Chuck and his wife!! i filled thier...
Perfect and thanks a lot. I will try Bruce's web page. You may know the Franklin,s that have a cabin, more like a house, just before you get to Bruce's pad. Greg Franklin, the youngest and I grew up together and is my sister's husband. He and I purchased to adjacent lots not far from Bruce. Unfortunately, I have my property for sale and wanted to check with Bruce before I listed it in Juneau classifieds.
If you might know anyone interested let me know its 4.5 acres at $10,500.
Thanks again
replied to:  chazzm
Replied to:  Yes I do remember Chuck and his wife!! i filled thier...
Greg again, the Franklin,s have a cabin just before Chuck place, not Bruce, as I mentioned previously. That might be a little confusing if I don't clarify that. See ya Peace