Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod
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With so much against religion, our rights to the freedom of it; per the Constitution and the attacks against those of us that believe, why is the Lutheran Church not taking a stand for faith, Christianity and the history of our founding in faith? I know there is separation of church and state but it is being taken from us every day! If Christians and the churches do not stake a stand this nation will be changed forever! God is in control but even He stood with Daniel against Goliath! We are destined to be over run with no faith, Muslims or other non-freedom based peoples at the rate the US is going....what has the church planned for combating this evil upon us?
replied to:  desertred
Replied to:  With so much against religion, our rights to the freedom of...
I'm just a new member here but I agree with you. I get confused sometimes where Christians are to be quiet and about their own business, the business of God in their lives. But then, I also read in Scripture where John the Baptist was yelling out to those who didn't believe that they should repent and have faith in Christ. I also read in Scripture not to be complacent, to over ride evil with good and to bring evil into the light.
I think too many Christians believe that bringing evil into the light means yelling, screaming, pointing and calling names as we see so many doing today, so they want no part of it. But I think there are other ways of bringing evil into the light, as Christ taught us to be gentle and loving even as we cast out a brother who sins and then bring him back in love, of course, if he is willing to return.
While we stand against evil, we must be very careful to still let the light of Christ shine through us so others may see Him, in us, through us, through our words and actions. Without being close to the Lord, this would be a very hard thing to do.
In Germany, should the Christians have just sat by, knowing what was happening to the Jews, and said, 'We are not to be concerned with what our government is doing?' I think not because evil was abounding in the destruction of many lives and to sit and watch or even look the other way, to me seems equal to taking part or as least, to say what was happening was ok.
As far as separation of church and state, did you know that, that's not what the constitution that God allowed our country to have, says? There is no separation as in, 'government stays in it's place and the church stays in it's place, 'behind closed doors'. What the constitution does say is our government can not rule as a religious entity over our nation. No one denomination or religion can rule our country and tell people they 'must' adhere to that denomination or religious belief. But, what it also doesn't say it that government has any right to stop us from public proclamation of our faith. We have every right to demonstrate our faith in the public square whether others believe the same as we, or not.
I realize that in the Bible Christ said 'render unto Caesar what is Caesars and unto God what is God's' but Caesar was a dictator of sorts and Rome's governmental set up was much different than ours. We were given the right to have a government 'for the people, by the people'. We vote in those we hope will win and govern us. Our constitution also give us the right to revolt if ever the government is no longer for the people by the people. Since we know that God instituted governments in our world, we can take from that, that He gave us our nation with it's constitution for a reason.
I realize the duty of any church should be to preach Christ and Him crucified, not politics. However, when most of the world is so humanistic that it begins to turn the heads of Christians and cause them to begin believing wrong as right, I think it's time for the church to point this grave error out so each congregation will realize and watch out for what's going on around them after they leave Sunday worship and have to deal with the rest of the world.
I realize we're all sinners, believers and non believers. The difference is, the one sin that can not be forgiven is dying in unbelief in our Lord and Savior. The humanistic views of both our government today and how they are swaying people in such large numbers to believe what they say, is a danger in leading many to die without faith in Christ, for Christians are quickly becoming the unruly class, 'according to many in our government'. We are the ones to be silenced. We are the ones to be hidden behind closed doors. All other religious beliefs are accepted, not Christianity. Doesn't it seem strange that so many have turned away from such a wonderful salvation to such lies?! But then, Christ already warned us that if it happened to Him first, it would happen to us...especially the closer we get to Christ's return.
replied to:  amachristian
Replied to:  I'm just a new member here but I agree with you....
Thank you for your state everything very well and I agree with you. I am certain that God is in control however it does seem that we should be taking a stand for these things that are happening and that the church should be making it'self clear as well.....we pray a lot about it all but what are the leaders foing...are they even getting involved and stating what is right per the Bible!? Sop often our pastor lloks past so much that it concerns me, although I know he is right on target with sermons etc....
It is hard ot just sit by and watch our nation take such a nose dive but The Lord does have a plan of that I am sure....we will just have to 'keep vigil' and aware of all things so as to know what to do when the time comes....I would indeed like to know what they are planning in Synod though....Many blessings to you and should you wish to talk further, please contact me at 'family' must stick together!