United States
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Why is the US currently moving toward breaking long held ties to Israel?
replied to:  lehmann520
Replied to:  Why is the US currently moving toward breaking long held ties...
Because they don't have oil?
replied to:  andrew99
Replied to:  Because they don't have oil?
Perhaps, but Afghanistan doesn't have oil either...it has...poppies

think harder

replied to:  lehmann520
Replied to:  Why is the US currently moving toward breaking long held ties...
They are, and it is a GRAVE mistate. God told Abraham, "I will bless those that bless you, and I will curse those that curse you."
replied to:  trailguy
Thats not a good reason because there is no such thing as GOD. In the US we have separation of religion and government, thank goodness.
replied to:  lehmann520
Replied to:  Why is the US currently moving toward breaking long held ties...
Because Barak Obama is really a closet Muslim...
replied to:  JamesDMcAllister
Replied to:  Because Barak Obama is really a closet Muslim...
Listen, no politician is religious. Even if you see them on the news going to church, synagogue or whatever, its just for PR. Behind closed doors they just make fun of the religious people, but they have to go through the motions because the polls say they are a majority. The only one I ever believed was religious was Jimmy Carter.

replied to:  andrew99
Replied to:  Listen, no politician is religious. Even if you see them on...
I guess that you have yet to understand my humor...any politician that snaked their way into office doesn't serve God or man...Israel is beginning to seriously annoy Obama and he never liked them any way (because they refuse to do what they are told). Besides, the Obama administration doesn't want any competition in murdering innocent civilians or violating any human rights of peoples of sovereign nations(even though Palestine is not a nation). The current administration demands that all nations do what they are commanded to do 'or else'...Obama is the commander and chief of the United States Police Force and he does not want Israel stealing any of his thunder...Jimmy Carter was the weakest president in this countries history...lame duck...he needed to pray that the Secret Service or the CIA wouldn't kill him for his lack leadership...all we got out of Carter was FEMA and Billy Beer....

replied to:  andrew99
Replied to:  Listen, no politician is religious. Even if you see them on...
There is a very clear difference between religion and God and I will not debate you on that here. You can join us in the Islam or Christianity threads for THAT dressing down.

The laws of this land are exactly about separation of CHURCHES and government(the state) but they are also very clear about the inclusion of GOD and GOD'S LAWS as part of America and American law. Any discussion of America that does not also involve God is false.

I have no comment regarding our presidents religious beliefs but I question his understanding of God's Law. No man or woman who truly understands God and His law can believe in communism, Marxism, socialism, imperialism, fascism or anarchy.
There is no place for secularism in the governing of this country.

Though I will defend your right NOT to believe in God with all my might and passion, I will not allow you to take my right to believe in God and His Law from me, no matter how ridiculous you try to make that belief look. Your lack of faith looks MORE ridiculous to me than I can ever fully express with mere words and believe me, I have no small skill with words. To me, your lack of understanding looks far sillier than a man who believes in elves baking cookies in trees or some one waiting for a comet to to take them to heaven.

but, to each his own and diversity is one of God's greatest gifts.

replied to:  JamesDMcAllister
Replied to:  I guess that you have yet to understand my humor...any politician...
I have not heard your line of propaganda before but I think whoever or wherever you got it from has done a number on you. The Israelis are an independent bunch and they like to play that card. If they continue with this hard line sentiment will eventually go against them.

Jimmy Carter had one thing that none of the others ever had unless you count George Washington. He was honest. From your post I can tell that you are hopelessly trapped in conservatism.

see ya.
replied to:  andrew99
Replied to:  I have not heard your line of propaganda before but I...
I'm not conservative at all..

I believe in the legalization of gay unions across the country, I'm offended by any notion that it should not be so and actively seek to elect people who will get this done as quickly as possible
I defend the rights of religions to say, marriage is sacred and we won't agree...if a homosexual couple wants to be religiously married, I support the formation of churches that allow such things

I believe in legalized abortion despite the fact that I find murder to be a sin and the ending of the potential life of an unborn child to be murder. While abortion is a immoral thing, ehtically I cannot say that moving it into the back alleys and offices of untrained quacks will do any good to anyone. I find the concept that a woman might have her life ended by such a situation to be a bigger sin that the fact of the abortion choice.

I trust implicitly in God to sort out the moral issue. It is not for me, or anyone else, to impose a moral choice on another human being.

My posts are not propaganda they are intelligent debates and discussions of opinion based on facts that I have gathered in the course of my life and profession as a writer. I value intelligence and logical thinking but I think rationality is a box from which all efforts must be made to escape.

I espouse no religion and call no book the Word of God but I have firm faith and unshrinking loyalty to God who has created all this world and many others. I am proud to have such faith and gladly debate all comers about it.

only small minds and non thinkers do not recognize intelligence when its kick them in the head and yells WAKE UP!

consider yourself thoroughly kicked, in a metaphorical sense of course. I would never actually kick you; goes against my faith.

replied to:  lehmann520
Replied to:  I'm not conservative at all.. I believe in the legalization...
As for Israel, it is a secular country, not Jewish and any discussion of Israel as a religious state is misinformed/

replied to:  andrew99
Replied to:  I have not heard your line of propaganda before but I...
I would really suggest that you learn a few facts about history before making such comments, you sound as-though you are very uninformed about what it is you are speaking of....oh, I get it, you are educated by the likes of CNN and FOX news...wow, to mention George Washington and Jimmy Carter in the same sentence is really weird, there is no correlation between the teachings of the two men...none what so ever. How can you say Carter was an honest man? Did you know him or do you believe that because some one told you so? You are spouting liberal crap straight from the Obama teleprompter.. again, good luck with that...you will need it, sheeple!
replied to:  JamesDMcAllister
Replied to:  I would really suggest that you learn a few facts about...
Look, one thing you have to admit (if not others) is that this country elected the most liberal guy the democrats could find. This, after electing the most conservative guy the Republicans could find. In fact the pendulum swung right past Hillary to Obama. That says a lot about how people felt about Cheney and Bush's philosophy in spite of that majority being mostly quiet on political issues. Obama is doing the right thing for the economy, just look at the stock market. And he is doing the right thing for Healthcare. A friend of mine just lost his job and his Cobra payment would have been $1400.00 per month while every MD around has several Mercedes in the driveway. Those are my facts and they do hold water.

replied to:  andrew99
Replied to:  Look, one thing you have to admit (if not others) is...
Listen, my friend,
I do not spout propaganda as you may believe...this whole left right paradigm commonly refereed to as the Republican Party or the Democrat Party is nothing more than a game these men play out for the people that wish to believe the ruse...there are no clear differences between the two parties any more.
If you take into account all the secretive posturing of the administrations from Clinton up to now it is obvious that a pattern emerges. Government corruption on all levels is running head shot over the people and the freedoms the government is supposed to be protecting!
When Bush Jr. was in office he bullied the American people into war that was never declared by congress as well he implemented many new departments of federal government that did in fact more than double the size of the government...
The Bush/Cheney philosophy does not differ from that of Obama as he has not only carried on with the former administrations agenda but further expounded upon it!
Obama is for war and warrant-less arrests with what he coined as "indefinite detention."
Obama is also for a socialist run health care system that the American people can not afford!
The federal government was not designed to be an entitlement program but that is what it is now! We can not afford National Health Care.
Google what has happened to every other country that has tried it and you will see that there have been no success stories with socialistic medicine...it does not work.
Please, friend, the federal government has screwed up every thing they convinced the states to give over for federal regulation. Do the research for yourself on all the things Obama claims to do for this country...all the promises he has not and can not keep...
Go to a VA hospital and ask the veterans what they think about government run health care...

The Israeli government is growing impatient with the diplomacy of the United States and the United Nations concerning Iran and all these tensions and saber rattling have the drums of war pounding in the middle east. The United States and England and Israel are loudly threatening Iran with precise nuclear strikes if they(a sovereign nation) do not comply with the big boys on the block...
This nation was not conceived to invade other nations...who do we think we are?
The agenda of the US and the United Nations is to assume control of the middle east and the vast energy resources and it will be done as the military might of this nation directs it...Israel has other plans...and that simply is Israel pissing down Obama's pant leg!

Obama's ratings have proven that the people are not in tune with his agenda yet he and the Dems pass legislation that the people did not want...that is tyranny and a step toward socialism...
replied to:  JamesDMcAllister
Replied to:  Listen, my friend, I do not spout propaganda as you may...
At last some common ground. You touched the right words when you said corruption. You see, at one time in this country the people elected a senator. The senator got up on his horse and went to wash DC to vote on things the way the majority of the people would if they were there.

This worked for a while but then the special interest groups started cornering these senators, then it was found that you could make a business of cornering senators and they called lobbying. This is what you have today and it can't be fixed by electing this one or that one.

Now, when you elect a senator, he immediately gets into this cornering process and even if you write to him, you only get a letter back from a subordinate that is loaded with generalities that says nothing in particular. Like once I asked when the Super Fund site near here was going to be cleaned up. I got back a letter saying that the senator was looking into all of the superfund sites and determining a schedule for it. Well, the senators have been doing that for the last 25 years. Meanwhile the lobbyists have his cell phone number. See what I mean.

Ok, you want fix corruption, you gotta update this government to a more modern agenda. Lets start with all decisions involving money over (lets say) $100 Million is voted on by the people using the internet. The special interest groups now have to lobby us. And they won't be able to give all of us paid vacations in Brazil with a room full of whores. And the will of the people will be done again so I believe. The form of government has to change as time goes on, otherwise it gets obsolete. I wonder if I will still be around when somebody writes "The Rise and Fall of Demorcracy"


replied to:  andrew99
Replied to:  At last some common ground. You touched the right words when...

::::dancing in the back ground- grinning, nodding, cheering, waving the flag:::::


damn banana peel

anyone got an ice pack?


woe is me.....James, send me some of your global warming...mine is all melty and muddy...


replied to:  lehmann520
Replied to:  ::::dancing in the back ground- grinning, nodding, cheering, waving the...
Well, I'm not sure what to do about global warming thats not already being done, but as far as the doctor, you can make use of Obama's health care plan.

replied to:  andrew99
Replied to:  Well, I'm not sure what to do about global warming thats...
I've never taken a dime of handouts and I never will. The disease I have is called freedom and I live it every day. I require no cure you supercilious, arrogant freak.

don't bother trying to figure out my line, I don't have one. All I have is fact and passion.

The fact is, communism is trying to destroy America.
The fact is our president is surrounded by communists, Marxists, progressives, leftist radicals and other generally slimy types.
The fact is the free people of the world, the sleeping giant, have been kicked awake and communism will not succeed.
sorry Charlie, red is dead.

now, the passion is my resistance to you and your mechanistic world, the one where life is no more than a chemical reaction and all the ills of the world can be fixed if only you kill enough people. breaking eggs, I think you call it

people like you think they are so smart....really believe they know something important the rest of us are too stupid to know.

arrogant fool

replied to:  lehmann520
Replied to:  I've never taken a dime of handouts and I never will....
Lets get married. Then I will have more time to cleanse your mind. Think of how romantic it would be, just the two of us debating all the ills of the world.

love andrew
replied to:  andrew99
Replied to:  Lets get married. Then I will have more time to cleanse...

you wouldn't last three days

the kids alone would fillet your intellect
You wouldn't have anything left to use trying to argue with me

I'd take a bet that says you think tax refunds are some kind of savings account ala the IRS

nah, it would never work...I'm too Made in the USA and you're too...wanna be European

besides, what would the neighbors think...me bringing home a pasty faced intellectual and making him cry

replied to:  lehmann520
Replied to:  Why is the US currently moving toward breaking long held ties...
Through a "perfect storm" of mutually reinforcing unlikely factors, the US elected a leftwing president in 2008, only the second time in its history, and the first time in 64 years. Like the european leftwing, the american leftwing is steeped in anti-semitism. Obama will be gone in 2012, along with his anti-israel policies.
replied to:  Patrick324
Replied to:  Through a "perfect storm" of mutually reinforcing unlikely factors, the US...

So, how do you account for so many Jewish people involved in the media and core supporters of the liberal ideology?
Do you think that the president's lack of support for Israel will serve to distance him from the liberals?

Personally I think that this move to distance his administration from Israel is about, not his politics, but his personal beliefs.

I don't think this man is concerned about a second term or his 'legacy'. I think this makes him very dangerous. I see this move to distance us from Israel as an indication of his true intentions.

What do you think?

replied to:  lehmann520
Replied to:  Interesting. So, how do you account for so many Jewish...
Who cares about the Jewish people any more than anybody else? They keep on provoking the Palestinians with their advancing settlements and then try to reverse the fault.

replied to:  andrew99
Replied to:  Who cares about the Jewish people any more than anybody else?...
I don't particularly LIKE their policy regarding Palestine but it is their country so, they should do what they want to do.

the concept of supporting Israel involves supporting the type of freedom the US is supposed to represent.
The fact that supporting Israel is also supporting these hostilities really bothers me.
the truth of the matter, for me, is that the creation of the State of Israel was... incorrect; a knee jerk reaction to the horrors of WW2.
To say this out loud is to be branded an anti-Semite.

I think it would have been more appropriate, at the end of WW2, to say to all Jewish people living in fear of another such horror, 'come to America, you can live here in freedom and peace'

I think the establishment of Israel had more to do with the relics of Christianity than it had to do with Jewish repatriation. They had to be close to those 'sacred sights'.

there, now I'm going to hell in three religions. The guys over in the Islam thread don't like me much either.


but what of my question about our president's reasons for cutting these ties? What agenda is he serving?

replied to:  lehmann520
Replied to:  Why is the US currently moving toward breaking long held ties...
Because the leader of the US is a Muslim? Because he has symbols of Christiany covered up when making speeches. Because he dosen't recognize the United States of America as being a Christian country. Because he was taught to hate by his minister. Hey, can anyone tell me where the liberal store is so I can pick up a pair of rose-colored glasses with blinders. Oops, sorry about the word colored; guess we're not supposed to use that word anymore, someone might read it out of context. Just glad my parents aren't alive to see whats become of the country they fought for in the 40s.
replied to:  originalbinks
Replied to:  Because the leader of the US is a Muslim? Because...
all excellent reasons and reasoning but be careful my friend, that is hate speech.
pay attention, the time is coming when this kind of speech will not be tolerated by them.
The truth will not set them free, it will make them look like fools and they will do anything to keep from looking like fools.
so, speaking these kinds of truths could cost you dearly.

do you understand?

replied to:  lehmann520
Replied to:  all excellent reasons and reasoning but be careful my friend,...
I would truly believe that same advice, the same words, were spoken to those who opposed British rule prior to 1776
replied to:  originalbinks
Replied to:  I would truly believe that same advice, the same words, were...
I'm certain they were. This time around we have a system already in place that, if used boldly and correctly, will prevent revolution.

I am not advocating revolution nor am I predicting it but I do see that other side seems eager to get that particular party started.
we must prevent the shot heard round the world, at all costs. Modern Americans have no clue what 'dying for your country' means. I'm afraid there is eagerness on both sides as well as naivette.
Dangerous times, my friend.

replied to:  JamesDMcAllister
Replied to:  Listen, my friend, I do not spout propaganda as you may...
Sorry to butt in on your conversation but feel I must as a loyal citizen of England.

We have A welfare State included in it National Health care.

I have to say it does work there are glitches but hey ho when i call an ambulance it costs me nothing my hospital care is second to none, the cost of this is taken from my wages weekly or monthly as a percentage approx 12% and any welfare payments i may receive has an amount deducted towards health.

You only hear the negative hey ho there may be a few weeks wait.

Trust me it does work.
replied to:  JamesDMcAllister
Replied to:  Because Barak Obama is really a closet Muslim...
replied to:  lehmann520
Replied to:  I've never taken a dime of handouts and I never will....
Communism is trying to destroy America, huh?

Well actually Dawn people like us ARE smarter than you. And you are stupid. That's not arrogance. Just the facts. You respect facts, supposedly, right?