Darfur conflict
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Why don't you all change the way you go after countries leaders that kill their people? Like in Bosnia, you waited 3 years before you did anything.

Why don't you kick the Ambassadors out of the UN and put ristrictions on them and block their sending out their products?

These genocide countries are a disgrace to the world, and you need to change the perameters so you can act faster than just sitting on your hands. It doesn't matter who you believe in, God, Alah, Buddah, or no one, All of you in the UN need to wake up and stop this killing and prosecute the ones who do it.

You have a man in Gatamala who 20 years ago killed the Mayan people and your courts have done nothing to him and he sits in their Congress a free man and a influencetal one at that.

Please, please, go after these people, because one day it might happen to your country or mine.
replied to:  Barbara1156
Replied to:  Why don't you all change the way you go after countries...
The U.N. has no authority to go around the world and put on trial everyone who is evil...they are evil themselves...new-world order will commence the day all nations of the world give absolute authority to the U.N...these are crooked men, and you want them to do something about other crooked men...NO!!!...the people of these countries must stand-up for themselves....kill or be killed...the choice is that easy...take your freedom or have your freedom taken from you....period.