Aesthetic Realism
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Why don't we use the Knol article for Aesthetic Realism, by a single known authority -- instead of using this entry, copied from Wikipedia, which is inaccurate and has smears in it?

It begins:

"Aesthetic Realism is the philosophy which describes the nature of reality itself, and the relation among reality, the human self, and art. It was founded in 1941 by the American poet, critic, and educator Eli Siegel (1902-1978).... The principle at the basis of Aesthetic Realism, and fundamental to its study, is: “The world, art, and self explain each other: each is the aesthetic oneness of opposites.” The world, or reality, consists of everything which can affect one–from Niagara Falls, to the dew on a blade of grass, to a friend, to a Beethoven symphony, to all the chemical elements in the periodic table."

.... The URL is