Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act
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We’re seeking cust of my 2yr old nephew, who's in foster care with his sis & 2 bro's(diff dad's).We are confused because the judge tells us one thing and the SW another.At our next hearing, if the kids are okay with the baby coming home with us, we should be able to get him that day but after speaking with the SW he doesn't think this will happen due to the Adam Walsh Law. My bro has a record. It seems that one of his convicts fall under this.The SW said he could not tell us which one it fell under.My bro has never been convicted of any sex off,mole,kidnap or porno. What other felo that have to have been committed in the past 5yrs could it be?I thought this law mostly dealt with the above offenses.Why doesn't the judge have the final say? She has his record & knows his convictions. He has complied with her rulings & the mother has not. She's gone over all our Live scans & bkgrd chks & approved us for placement. So why isn't her decision binding? I'd appreciate any info.