Wartenbergs migratory sensory neuropathy
Wartenbergs migratory sensory neuropathy
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I believe i have "wmsn". I am a retired M.D with Parkinson's since 1986 +/-.. current age 66

I learned about wmsn a few days ago when I "Googled" migratory numbness. My Neurologist said two months ago that I might be diabetic or have M.S because of the numerous episodes of focal cutaneous burning folowed by varying degrees of anestesia. I even lost my right patellar kneejerk for a time after an episode of burning across the front of my righ knee followed by numbness and later return of cutaneous sensations but only partal return of the kneejerk. recent foot drop that recovered without intervention and thought to be secondary to wearing a thick wallet in my rigt hip pocket. Left foot drop 10 to 12 years ago treated wit a lumbar laminectomy. Burning sensations over my achilles tendons when I stretched them walking upstairs followed by some numbness ovr the tendons that has long since resolved.
History of burning sensations in hands bilaterally near the "anatomical snuffbox" follow by cutaneous anesthesia followed by complete return of sensory function. Presently having burning in left groin over the "femoral triangle" especially when skin is stretched during long strides or exercises. Some numbness of skin developing and can pull hair from region without discomfort unlike the control side on the right.. seems like an odd way of monitoring the symptom but lots easier than getting a needle. More information on request. I see my neurologist in the morning .

Internist yesterday hadn't heard of "Wartenbergs....."
replied to:  coaster2501
Replied to:  I believe i have "wmsn". I am a retired M.D with...

I have just been diagnosed with this condition and have very similar symptoms to you. These began with minor hand tremors when I was young. I remember being around 10 when my friend first pointed it out to me. I needed physio on my hands at 15 due to pain and pins and needles and an acute attack in my right hip 10 years ago. I was relatively free of symptoms from 2001 up to a few years ago when it all began again. Now both legs and hips are affected, the whole left side of my body & face and I now walk with crutches as my balance has started to go. My hearing in my left ear has also worsened again I have had problems with hearing from being young. I can't find much information on the subject though so I am considering creating a website to raise awareness any links or info would be great. I believe that this condition maybe genetic though as my mum suffers from ADEM (Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis) and my cousin TM (Transverse Myelitis), both of which are auto-immune & de-myelinating dieseases also and bear many similarities to Wartenbergs MSN. Any replies to ennileah@blueyonder.co.uk thanks