Nuclear and radiation accidents
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Is the Chernobyl loss amount right.

There where 300,000 people forced to move.
There was a loss of 3,000 SQ Miles in land.
Lost homes, apartments, businesses, schools and infrastructure.
Lose of plant and clean up.
Un going cost to incase the plant.
Future 50 years loss of income from crops and food production.
Restructuring power grids to get power from new source.
The cost to close up buildings.
The ongoing cost to police the area to keep people out.
The health cost for exposed people.
The ongoing cost of health with new born.
The ongoing new born deaths and deformities'.
The loss of fishing industries for many years.
PS: you do not include the ongoing deaths of new born. They should be .......doing a study on this, it's a perfect opportunity.

When will you up date to 2011 with Japan's losses.
They will be far more costs. Big losses.