Ulcerative colitis
Ulcerative colitis
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Just recently diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, any immediate advise?
replied to:  piscomometra
Replied to:  Just recently diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, any immediate advise?
See "cujoandcfer" on this site for the complete story. Though I am not a doctor I now believe there is a place for the treatement of UC with the major tranquilizer haldol providing it is used only for a short period possibly followed up with behavior modification, or long term pychotherapy. I would avoid any shrink who wants to put you on concommitant drugs such as depakote.
Remember that pychiatrists do not treat UC as far as I know, or we would have heard something about it by now.
In retrospect I suspect I suffered from a stress induced genetic autoimune process that was for an unexplained reason biochemically sidetracked by the haldol.
In desperation I was given haldol in lieu of a pain killer that they told me could have caused paralytic ileus and toxic megacolon while while I was on hyperalimentation for painfull fulminating ulcerative colitis.
My mother had the disease and though she was frequently ill never had surgery.
I came down with it in my early twenties and with every bout in worsened.
After the surprise last minute remission I was later upset that I was given haldol ostensibly for a pychiatric diagnosis I thought was hogwash.
Three years later another attack resulted in an emergency operation because I believed my well meaning "specialist" that the cause of UC was solely genetic and the only cure was surgery.
To this day doctors refuse to even consider my experience. This is the first website I discovered with an open forum. While everyone is different I believe I did stumble on an alternative treatment that may lead to a genuine cure. It is too late to reverse my surgery however maybe someone else will benefit from my experience. I still suffer from fatigue.