David Icke
The effects of CO2 on reptiles
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Hi, I,m new here. I was discussing David with a friend the other day while watching his Iguana crawl around it's cage. So I started asking questions about reptiles and did some research afterwards. As they say study your enemy in order to beat them. I found some info, and I would like to offer it here and see what you think about it.
When chelonians, snakes, and reptiles breath too much CO2, it reduces their ventilation ability. They must have a specific balance of CO2 and O2 for adequate respiration.
They are temperature sensitive. When it gets cold, they get dormant. When it gets warmer they are active. Their livers have a lower metabolic rate than humans. CO2 lowers it more.
As CO2 increases it cools the atmosphere. Not good for reptiles.
CO2 increases in reptiles as the temperature drops, a build up is bad for them.
Maybe this is why the reptilians, or children of Satan, the master reptile, are trying to lower the worlds CO2 levels so they can keep functioning, while lowering plant photo synthesis that produces oxygen for humans, while collecting a tax to fund their agenda. They also want to reduce Orgone energy which keeps us healthy. I've built an Orgone generator. Himalayan salt lamps help with O2.
Does this make sense? I would love to gas Al Gore with pure CO2 and see what happens.