Town crier
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The answer will help me with research for a story I'm writing that takes place in Delaware during the Civil War as I can't find the answer on the Internet.

How late into the night did town criers cry, say in the 1800s? Would they say, "Oyez, oyez, oyez. 'Tis midnight and all is well"? Or go into a bulletin, like: ""Oyez, oyez, oyez. 'Tis midnight, five September in the year of our Lord 1864. On evening last, Mrs. Dora Hatchett had given birth to twins, and Samuel Clarence Tremaine passed at the age of 72. All is well."

Did they do this every hour? If so, they must have really pissed off a lot of people who lost sleep. No wonder the phrase, "Don't shoot the messenger" was invented!!