Theory of everything
The Logic of the Universe
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The Universe can be seen as a logic structure that specifies how everything is constructed, functions, evolves, and is de-constructed.

This forms a paradigm (or theory) that integrates the disciplines of science.

Due to the completeness an consistency of the paradigm, we can logically infer the existence of things which we could not possibly observe.

The paradigm is presented in the essay, "The Logic of the Universe (Debunking Physics and Discovering the Theory of Everything as the Paradigm of Scince)", this is located at:

Anyone who is interested in discussing the paradign can do so through this thread, or directly via email.

replied to:  paradigm
Replied to:  The Universe can be seen as a logic structure that specifies...
Your paradigm as a logic structure for the universe is most interesting. can we integrate the paradigm of a logic structure for the universe with an analysis of the same universe using the tools of physics?. By unifying the presently known forces in Physics with Superluminosity potentials we can unify gravity and all other pesent unknowns. The unknowns about superluminosity will replace then the unexplained unknowns about gravity and some other items.
Your logic structure for the Universe makes a lot of sense and when it is integrated with physics as another way to explain the Universe mankind can then more swiftly move into much higher levels of comprehension, there is no real difference between logic and mathematics and or paticle physics we just have to understand them all to see how relative anyone of them is to each other. I am uneducated in logic and Godel for me is spotty and endless matriculation however I have learned enough to be attracted to your paradigm and would like some integration tools for cohabitation with other methodologies explaining things.