Ngati Tuwharetoa
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Tena Koe
I have a problem. Has anyone been involved in a case where the judge has allowed you to take your shares out of a whanau trust even though the trustees objected to it. If so what were the reasons for that. I have good reasons but I would still like to hear from others as to their reasons. I put my shares in a trust but I was somewhat naive to think it was to benefit me but unfortunately it hasnt. The law does not include naivity as a valid reason to take shares out of a whanau trust. If you could tell me details of what swayed the judge to make his decision to overturn the trustees deicisions and rule in your favour to take your shares out then your help would be very much appreciated. The trustees of my whanau trust wont let me take my shares out and I need as much help as I can before I apply to the maori land court. The maori land court system is not better then the pakeha system to me its one of the same.
Kia Ora