Tanya Streeter
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I met you about 6 years ago in Turkes & Cacoas. You were training in the pool outside of my hotel room at Beaches. One of the questions I asked you was what kind of cardio exercise do you do to help you with your freediving. You told me you were taking spinning classes and loved it and wanted to teach someday.

I had told you that I was going for my Master Instructor certification in the near future.

I'm wondering if you remember our conversation.Anyway, I did become a Master Instructor for the program. I have my own studio in Pennsylvania and I still love it as much as the day I was introduced to it.

I'm curious as to whether you are still taking classes or not.

I hung the poster that you signed for me back 6 years ago in my spinning studio today. So, I thought I would email you and see if you were still into it.

Please let me know. My students loved the story I told them from 6 years ago.


Sue Smith