Ray Combs
Suicide of Ray Combs
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Did you know that the nurse that was in charge of the psych unit where Ray was on "suicide watch" at Glendale Agvantist hospital was fired, or so the hospital wanted people to think. Actually she was sent to White Memorial hospital, another Adventist hospital where she is still working as director of the psych units. There have been suicides on 2 of the psych units since she started to work there. The nurse's name is Syble Cross RN

There are 2 types of "suicide watches"

1. The patient is checked every 15 mins. And the person who observes the patient charts wheather the pt. is sleeping, awake, agitated,or calm and signs after checking.

2. Severe cases are places on one to one observation. This means that the staff assigned to the patient is never supposed to let the patient get beyond the arms reach of this staff member.

How could Ray hang himself if either of the above was in force?

How did nurse Cross get away with this?

Confussed in Glendale