Child custody laws in the United States
Single mom of 2yr daughter, father keeps dragging me into court for our 3rd revis. of parent. plan
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I truthfully don't know where to begin without rambling I will state facts from beginning to end but need to leave a lot out as it would take forever. I never married, nor was I engaged to nor did I date or even live w/our childs father. In begining of this whole inicident started off w/the father trying to force me to abort our child whom he was dead set against us having. Also I work w/the father his brother & his brothers common law wife & all of his friends. They cause me great emotional harm & made several threats to me never directly always thru 3rd parties while I was preg. Work was & still is a nightmare. Father never assisted me w/1 penny or 1/thing entire pregnancy. I did it completely on my own no help from him his fam or my fam or friends whatsoever. He refused in hospital to sign birth cert. He refused me to put his last name on our childs b. Cert. I used mine whih was my ex husbands name. We left hospital he barely stayed 10 min to help. He didn't agree to a DNA test til our child was 3 or so mos old....he didn't agree to a paternity affifdavit until she was 4 or 5 mos old. During the signing of the affidav. I signed he signed I left a name change to our child blank....I turned my back & he changed her last name to his w/out my permission. He didn't pay 1 dime of child support until I went to child support when she was 6& 1/2 mos ol & he fought me by trying to get a hearing for 2 more mos until he realised those 2 mos were goin into arrears then he cancled hearing. So I or our child have only ever received support from hi dating to when she was 6 &1/2 mos old. He never purchased items food, clothes, formula etc furniture nothing during those 8 &1/2 mos til support was enforced. I solidly paid daycare w/help from state until abt the first 4 to 6 weeks our child was in daycare & asked him to start contributing. He for almost 19 to 20 mos never took our child to daycare & only picked her up maybe twice. Even on days he left work early he'd drive past daycare & not pick her up. He always had sun&mon off like I used to but to cut down on daycare he refused changing his days off so I had to...hence I have 3 other kids I had joint custody w/their dad at the time...the changing of days to me getting tues/wed off made it nearly impossible to get my 3 school age children over nite on school nites w/them 100 mi. Round trip away from me. Now we are in court again he the father wants fri 3pm to mon 3 pm & wants to go by rersidential credit to reduce his child support oblig. From $384 to $75.60 based on more nites a yr wOur child he'd get a discount on child support he has to pay us. Also he still names me the primary custodian I moved from our town to another in a neighboring county abt 35 min away to live in a cheaper apt that's just as nice. Our capital city was too expensive to live in & I pay $377 a mo. In support myself that was set up after support enforc. Set the amt our childs dad had to pay so my income has dropped. I am also a new full time college student & am willing to cut my fri at work in half to be w/our child while I'm doing online classes at home.. also saves daycare costs for us. He wants to not pay support he states, only wants to pay daycare & buy daycare supplies(diapers etc) I have been only parent w/except. Of 3 paks of diapers to ever buy supplies my fmr atty asked him for receipts showing what he pays for supplies..he has none. We are now going into a settlement conference wThis being the last step before a trial I have given in on more time he's greedy & wants more to save on support he included a ref.. sheet showing a chart & showing how much should be pd accord. To nites we ea have her. The Judge at the previous hearing noticed this & stated, "I upon 1st reading the papers noticed a slight financial gain" she awarded him temp. Sat nite 6 pm to mon nite 6 pm & no reduction now in support as our childs on state medical but he can ask again in the futre. If I try to communicate wHim abt what our child needs, daycare closures, if I'm running late where our childs at issues w/a volitile daycare owner, dr info if our childs ill(she has asthma & her dad also smokes) he uses the texts against me & files them in court he already got a temp anti harrassment order I wasn't very nice to him I didn't threaten him I told him off cause I'm sick of his crap. I don't talk bad abt him to our child period I try to facilitae a relationship between them...such as....I bought him an expensive bday gift from our dadughter to him....also flowers when his grandma dided for his mom from us, I always call him first whenever I need a sitter so he can have extra time w/our child b4 a friend fam member or daycare, I have given him baby furniture, clothes & toys for his home which happens to be his folks home as he lives rent & utility free w/hthem. He has no other children & is not married. I have many times bought him mochas when I'm running late, I've given his sister maternity clothes..I always go outta my way wHim. Up until he dragged me into court again I left out of papers many things as I didn't go to time he was angry w/me & dropped our fdaughter in her carseat on floor & threw her into bouncer seat 3 feet away. He's going to my ex on myspace & trying to dig dirt on me, he's used our finalised court papers in our case stating our 3 kids names ages & address & my ex spouses income for the public to see, my ex was very abusive on me & we weren't getting along he had a friend harrass me at my job I sent him a text tellin him why don't u effin die alreay as my ex has kidney disease, he obtained an anti harrassment on me as well so my childs dad notices me struggling in that court case files a new 1 wagainst me & tries to gain him as an ally my ex wants no part we both want our kids left out of it. My childs dad to date hasn't provided me proof of income in form of paystubs, tax return etc...only handwritten filled out court papers. He now claims he makes an additional $300 a month but did not state where he gets inome if he pays taxes on it or whaty he didn't discolose that info before to child support. I'm proposing he gets our hild sat nite 5 pm to mon nite 5 pm w/1 week in summer , & by time she's 6 2 weeks in summer from that moment on. He to date hasn't said one word in any declarations or statements that any of this crap(court proceedings he's started) is in best interest of our child or how a change will benefit her only that it reduces costs daycare & support & that he gets her for 75% of the time....a child he never wanted. Also he has a girfriend he doesn't want me contacting him abt anything unless its an emergency for our hild. & text msgs between him & I & him & his friend who bad mouths me in everyt txt. Shows where she's or I are answering his texts/questions but yet his texts some of which have been deleted out u can tell its obvious if u read them & I believe some pertain to his girfriend wanting at one point to break up w/him over this issue his hidden agenda is to push me out of our childs life & raise our child yr old child,