History of the Jews in Ireland
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Shalom! Shabat Shalom and Chodesh Tov.

My name is Richard (Hardi) Yehuda Reich.I'm one of the 150 children , who came to Clonyn Castle ,Ireland on 1948 from Slovakia.I'm a survivor from Bergen-Bergen concentration camp.As I know Rabbi Solomon Schonfeld brought us to Ireland. A book by name "THE HIDE-AND-SEEK CHILDREN" By Barbara Barnett tells our story.When I search the name of Rabbi Schonfeld I find only the story of "Kindertransport children" but hardly nothing about us.We are spread all around the Globe and I E-mail with many of them. I was born in Nitra.the place Rabbi Schonfeld was in Yeshiva. I live in Eilat,Israel.The book "THE HIDE-AND-SEEK CHILDREN" was published only on 16th of February this year.Many of my friends (Clonyn Castle children)including me ordered the book
My question is: " Why the history only concentrate on Kindertransport children and 'What about us? By the way my picture as a child with white jacket is on the front of the book cover.
Bst Rgds Capt.Richard Y. Reich