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Searching on the following "Re-examining the Johannine Trinity: perichoresis or deification?" gets the abstract extract:

... John nowhere describes the Spirit's so-called ‘interpenetration’ (A is in B and B is in A) of either the Father or the Son.

... the Johannine Spirit does not share in such mutual indwelling. ...

... However, John's Gospel does describe a third member of a perichoretic trinity: the disciples. ... believers are said to mutually indwell the Son, and to indwell the Father through the Son, thereby occupying the very position never posited of the Holy Spirit.

... the language of perichoretic union with the divine is more apropos of the believer than of the Spirit.

Is there ANYWHERE in the NT where the perichoresis of the Son and the Spirit and / or the Father and the Spirit is explicit.

If not, how is it inferred, please?