Deschutes County, Oregon
SEIU Please reduce your demands.
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I work in a private company located in Deschutes County that has been able to weather this economic storm. It's interesting that I've NEVER received a cost of living increase and there have been several years when raises have been nonexistant.
Not so with the SEIU. Cost of living increases, raises, increases in benefits, massive retirement plans, as well as excelent sick leave and vacations are the order of the day.
Deschutes County is not immune from the budget problems common in ALL governments today. Governments have spent our tax dollars without regard for the future. It's high time ALL governments learn to TAKE less in tax money, spend money as if they took economics 101, and run their orginizations with fewer dollars and staff.
The Same goes for the SEIU. Their members and Leaders need to remember they serve the people of Deschutes County. They are in a service industry and should not have better wages and benefits than anyoone else working in other service industries in Central Oregon.