Stuart Varney
Real economics
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Dear Mr. Varney:

I understand during your interviews about the miniscule $7B dollars of difference between the parties, but for we Americans just trying to keep the lights on, that is a huge amount of dollars.

Every day I get calls for people looking for work, or highly talented entrepenuers and seniors; whose companies have lost funding or simply cannot find a job (other than a Walmart Greeter, etc) that will not even pay their utilities.

The "lucky" Americans are those who are now "able" to live paycheck to paycheck; and have one. However, with food and fuel rising even these lucky families have constantly reassess and rebudget.

Fox reported that the Department of Defense has recently purchased a new statue of a fairy riding a toad. What does that have to do with the DOD (unless it is a back handed slap at the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell. The cost I understand is $600K. How many troops could that pay, how much ammunition or benefits could that pay. How many families could feed their families or pay their mortgages with $600K

I sincerely admire and enjoy your sage reporting segments, but please get real with the rest of us. An extra hundred dollars or so means alot to us.

Thank you for your consideration of this message.


Arthur Cantrell