Radha Soami Satsang Beas
RSSB V/S other Religions
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On going through the contents of views expressed by one SATSANGI on 09/22/12 and 09/25/12 in reply to a question dated 09/07/12, reproduced here under in six paragraphs, some points raised in, PARA-A to E, do require further clarifications to avoid some misgivings arising out of those deliberations please.
1. Wish i would able to removes your doubts. at the time of sai baba the routes of one nation to other nation was not connected properly as now a days so due to unavailability of proper transportation the saints born in particular area and used to preached thier messages and salvated people so due to the reason it was not necessary to born in high class family that time.
2. in this era we have all facilities a globalised world. in the early age it was hard to convey a message from one nation to other nation.
so understand my friend traveling from one nation to another nation is not a cheap it is highly expensable to preach the spiritual message and it necessary for mankind that no one could not be unknown about the true path of liberation. so friend spirituality is not within boundries.
3. tell me my friend a person who belongs of poor family can afford a airlines, accomodation expenses. this is the reason that saints born in in such family from where they bear their expenses and true saint never spend any money for his personal expenses from the disciples offerings.
4. todays rssb has it's branches in over 90 country's. tell me only indians have right of making master. god loves all mankind either belongs of any nation so all mankind has right to get chances.

still have any doubts join me on facebook username UDIPTGILL (UDIPT GILL)
5. Again udipt singh gill:- in satsang we hears that suppose if anymone is sick than he need a alive doctor for the treatment. can any doctor come for any ones treatment who has been died a centuries before. so in the same way we also need a master who is alive at present. the saint who came years before they were for that time. the spirituality is very complicated matter my friend. in every field we need a master either field of education a sports or a spirituality
6. (09/25/2012)As you said about the shares: there are some community who jealous of the growing popularity of dera beas. these community many times spread the false rumours, want to humiliate the rssb by making many conspiracy. these conspiracy many times planned by the sikh communities b'coz large number of sikh have joined with radhasoami and volume of sikh is declining day by day from gurdwara side. the motive of rssb is not to convert somebodies religion but the radhasoami will make true hindu, the true sikh, the true muslim or the true christian. because the radhasoami reveals the true teachings of all religions which have been covered by our religious head for the sake of their livelihood or for thier respect etc. if we read our religious scripture focusly than we will found that all religion give teaching of inward bhagti of the god but what we do we search god in the outward things. the true temple of god are we b'coz god made us with his own hand rest all stone temples are made by us. religious heads have only one thing in thier hand makes disputes, creates riots between the religions the true saint want create a peacefull atmosphere. \ please attend some satsangs at your nearest center or attend some babaji's satsang which will remove ur doubts. "
Following points need to be clarified on above detailed deliberations:-
A. Regarding Para 1,2&3: It is admitted by udipt123 also that BABA JI belongs to a rich family, who can even afford to travel in his own jet and has his own security arrangements/guards. These security guards even accompanied BABAJI to Harmandir Sahib in Amritsar recently when he went there to bow down his head before GURU GRANTH SAHIB to cool down the tempers of SIKHS. He can, thereby, also travel to preach his teachings by travelling worldwide to spread RSSB teachings in more than 90 countries without spending any amount out of RSSB disciples' donations. So BABAJI’s richness in not in dispute.But spending of RSSB donations for purchase of land, for SATSANG centers at prime locations, needs to be reviewed and stopped by spending it for the welfare/uplift of poor/needy persons instead.
B. Regarding spending money by poor disciples for travelling to SATSANG centers, (Para-4 above ) it is pointed out here that no one appears to be concerned about poors’ wrath who could of course be saved from such hackles by telecasting RSSb teachings or through DVDs/CDS as was done way back by GURU CHARAN SINGH ji, whose SATSANG is available and can be viewed on youtube even today.
C. para-5 about treating of a patient by some dead doctor, it is pointed out that research of dead doctors is considered and applied by most of the doctors, if found useful to the patients for times to come. But the present GURU is not considering the norms applied by earlier RSSB GURUS for reasons best known to him alone. It is otherwise pointed out that no one of us would like to stick to the same class for years to be taught by same GURU/Teacher. Everyone needs to be upgraded to the next class/standard and this process does require change in GURU/Teacher also. Same is applicable in case of GURU also that he should also not stick to same students for years to come without testing their achievements at any stage.
D. Regarding para-6, how can one claim that radhasoami will make true hindu, the true sikh, the true muslim or the true Christian. Is it not insult to other religions having their own GURUs/saints?
E. Does it also mean that decision of Prince Sidharth could be disputed because of his leaving his palace for attaining Nirvana and finally became Lord Budha? Similar position is also in case of Lord Kabir or Tulsi who took birth in poor families but were found rich in teaching the whole world even in absence of modern electronic developments. Above all, is example of LORD RAMA, who after taking birth in human form decided to convey everything, not through mode of teachings but through demonstrating his own way of life style by going to forests for fourteen long years to fight with devils and was, thereby, recognized as MARYADA PURSHOTAM by followers.
replied to:  CKb2
Replied to:  On going through the contents of views expressed by one SATSANGI...
I agree with the views expressed above. We human being assume our selves so much intelligent that we knew every thing about GOD, religion, life after death but we should accept that still we have totally incomplete information for this.
We rely on different guru regarding these matters but it is also fact that no human being has verified and also will not be able to verify the genuineness about their views.
It is our trust and faith that we blindly accept their opinions.
But one thing which no one can prove and also no one can deny is that their is super natural power exist on this planet to whom we say GOD and which has made this universe and all of its creature, who controls all living being, who gives life and also takes back and no one can have complete knowledge of him except him and we can just pray that it will be his blessing if gives us power and strength so that we can do all of the duties as he expects from us and also remember him at every breath we take.
replied to:  rajatkwatra
Replied to:  I agree with the views expressed above. We human being assume...
Yes! There cannot be any comparison with Lord Rama who, after taking birth in human form, conveyed all his teachings only through demonstrating everything in his life style and that too by leaving his kingdom for fourteen long years to fight with devils for the welfare of mankind. Similar is the case of Prince Sidhartha who left his palace and became Lord Budha.
But all these examples of earlier saints, including that of KABIR & TULSI, even if sited and relied upon by RSSB GURUJI repeatedly in BAANI, don't match with present life style of masters of any religion worldwide.
I get inclined to blame the week souls of this modern world at large, who continue to seek solace in following them with such level of blind faith. May be that reasons for their blind faith, at such a large scale, need some more study for so called/termed atheists, who stress the need of serving mankind more than caring for wraths of GOD that too due to one’s own bad KARMAS by leading a fearful life under religious pandits/GURUS, instead of finding means to gain strength to face one’s struggles in life.