Existence of God
Proof of the existence of God
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This forum is for anyone read and comment on. But is primarily directed to the hardened Atheist.

Please read this entire page before making any judgments, I will cover some very touchy areas of Scripture that have been badly misinterpreted, and used with an almost contemptuous malice in the past, these verses were rationalized and used, and caused so much sorrow to so many through the centuries. However this Scripture is of such grave importance to humanity it cannot just be dismissed upon sight, this part of the Scripture is of paramount importance, because it points directly to the existence of the Creator. Proof that you can see in the here and now.

You won’t be asked to believe, or trust anything, that you can’t see right in front of your eyes, you will also not be asked to do anything, or give anything, period. Nothing is asked of you other than to read and ponder this short message. I am not part of a damn church or organization, or movement or anything else, I am just me. This I proudly announce.

The Creator is showing through the three general categories of humans identified in the Scripture as, Shem (Israelites), Ham (brown to black people), and Japheth, (white people).
Shem, Ham and Japheth are the three sons of Noah, and we all know the story of Noah and the Ark (Genesis chapters 6-10). What we don’t hear very much about is the blessing, the curse, and what I call the non or un-blessing that Noah uttered some time after the floodwater receded. Noah prophesized that Shem (Israelites) would be blessed, Japheth (white people) would be blessed, the sons of Ham (Middle Easterners, Asians, South Americans, brown people) would nether be blessed or cursed, and Ham’s son Canaan (Canaanites or black people) would be cursed or stricken to poverty, and that’s all, they would be held in poverty by the Creator all of their days. These words were spoken 4,000 years ago. For many centuries men did not understand these prophesies, we know that, by observing what they justified by misinterpreting these verses. But now with the aid of hindsight we can see this prophesy has been true for 4,000 years, and especially today, with one dire crisis after another, in the Hamitic world.

Hamites by the millions flowing above the Equator in search of a better life, South Americans and Asians to North America, and Middle Easterners and Asians to Europe. (Reminder, these other descendants of Ham are neither blessed nor cursed). We can also see clearly now, the U.S. and European economies diminishing at the about the same rate as the growing Hamitic populations in these countries regardless of the apparent reasons for this permanent economic downtrend.

More about Europeans later, they will verify the New Testament as the extension of the Old Testament.

Let me take a moment here to say what I am NOT saying. What I am not saying is that black people are evil, immoral, lazy, stupid, dishonest, meant to be taken advantage of, abused, enslaved or anything else that would keep them in an impoverished state that continually goes from bad to worse. To the contrary, the black people of the Earth are proven to have the potential even more potential than the rest of mankind to build great economy. If the Creator shorted the black man anything, then men would say they are inferior and that’s why they are poorer than the rest of the peoples of the Earth, and not a manifestation of the Creator. It would be more accurate to say they are human superiors. They have in abundance all qualities to build a super civilization.
So just what is it that keeps them so impoverished, no matter what others have done to try to help them?

The prediction of this illogical “curse” 4,000 years ago, and the power to make it so, is validation of the Old Testament Bible, and proof of the existence of God.

There is another “illogical” prediction, located in the New Testament of the Bible that is interesting:
It’s Luke 21:24, “and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.”
I always figured this meant the Roman occupation. But the Romans made such a mess of Jerusalem in AD 70. Why would they remain there another 3-400 years? That’s why they didn’t.
I don’t believe this verse has anything to due with the Romans.
Just who are the Gentiles "who's time is to come to an end" anyway? Most people will define Gentile, as anyone who isn’t a Jew/Israelite.
The scripture in Genesis 10:1 lists the families of Japheth (white people).
All of the names listed in Gen 10:1 are followed to Europe, “the Isles of the Gentiles.”
The apostle Paul was the apostle to the Gentiles. (Romans 11:13). Paul did not go to or write to Middle Eastern or African assemblies or churches.
Paul went to or wrote to churches in, Rome, Corinth, Philippi, Gallatin and Thessalonica, these are all white people. When the Bible mentions Gentiles, it means white people only.

As we promised earlier, you don’t have to conjure up any belief in anything. You can see the browning of North America and Europe with your baby blues. If you are white and don’t have baby blues, then you are living proof of the process.
The genes in humans work thusly, the darker the skin color the more dominant the genes.
That means when people of different skin colors procreate, the off spring will have more predominant traits of the darker color, than the lighter, (What I am getting to is “ more proof of the existence of God, and validation of the New Testament Scripture.)

So it seems to me that “the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled,” in Luke 21:24 means the peaceful removal of Japheth from the earth. This was predicted a couple thousand years ago, through a person whose only knowledge of Gentiles was highly organized Romans with swords, in large numbers, moving quickly. Since this is true, and could not be guessed or logically made up and preserved for so many centuries, then Luke 21:24 validates the New Testament as a continuation of the Old Testament Scripture, and is the second witness of the tangible evidence of the existence of God.

I’m interested in what you think of this concept, agreed or disagreed, and if you disagree, please give a brief explanation of, international Negro poverty.

Pappy Bill

replied to:  Pappybill
Replied to:  This forum is for anyone read and comment on. But is...

This concept is exactly how it is from your perspective, however it differs much from my perspective, Einstein proved that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, therefore what ever form and condition we find ourselves in is brought upon us by ourselves. Creation is the creator projecting itself in every form from hydrogen atom to man, and there never was a time that you, I , God or any form did not exist, ALL is one and one is ALL.

Open your mind you are only limited by your own thoughts
