Computer addiction
Overdosing on computer gaming and computer online activities.
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Hello parents,
I am trying to reach out to those of you who are worried about your children overdosing on computer gaming and computer online activities. Maybe as a parent you have already tried to act to solve this problem? If so, you probably already know that the market offers very little help to parents, and computer game manufacturers are finding more and more ways to keep children's eyes on the screen... this is how they make money!
As a parent, I got very frustrated with this problem, and the lack of technology solutions to help parents to deal with it. The solution is very unique in a sense that it makes children earn their computer time by working through educational activities. No other product offers this scenario, and this worked perfectly for my family.product puts parents back in control of children's computing.
The parents establish time limits, academic area, and complexity levels of the contents. The built-in educational Flash Cards were developed to match K - 12 school curriculum, and SAT prep guides.
You can read more about the product on