Judge Judy
On the show which aired in Cleveland, Ohio on channel 8 Fox Judge Judy said she has never understood
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On the September 17th show which aired in Cleveland on Fox channel 8, Judge judy made a statement that she didn't understand why women, no matter how old, take their anger out on the other woman when they find out that their significant other has been cheating on them. I would like to suggest a possible answer. Women behave this way (those that do) because they think that the opther woman does what they did to get with their man or is willing to or has done with their man things they have not done or are unwilling to do. Having thought about this over the years this is a conclusion that I have come to regarding that kind of behavior. Needless to say is not very mature but then you have some very immature people on your show and this is not meant as a negative comment. Its just a suggestion concerning this kind of behavior among women. It is one of the reasons why even these days woman are still thought of despite womens lib to be emotional and irrational.