John Huppenthal
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Mr. Huppenthal; are you aware that the TUSD board has violated several rules of conduct? And because Mr. Stegman tried to correct these rules as well as insure that the rules of procedure were adhered to in the La Raza studies issue, he was removed. Between the roughshod and oft times unethical manner in which board members Ms. Burns and Ms. Grijalva operated, due process was unfairly administered to other board members as well as participating public. As president of the Arizonans for Border Contol ( having personally witnessed these two board members intimidate, cajole and manipulate the process, I was left with a feeling of total frustration.
Two of our members have been working with the board to expose the innappropriatness of some of the La Raza oriented texts that have been available to youth in our schools.
Hopefully, you can look into the questionable removal of Dr. Stegeman from the board.