1937 Marijuana Tax Act
Marijuana is a God given herb . Man did mix it in a laboratory like most prescriptions mecication.
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If you have not experienced marijuana and the effects which are definely mild and soothing. How many people do you know have killed someone while smoking pot. How many people do you know have killed someone while drinking alcohol? If you leagilize pot then you can stop the drug cartel. Where theres a demand for a product then there will always be someone there to make sure you get it. Tax marijuana and see how much the national debt will decrease. It is not a bad drug like everyone thinks it is. Of course we don't want our children smoking pot, but do you know that they already do. If it helps people who have cancer to be able to eat after they go through chemo therapy or someone who has HIV then who are you hurting. Just like I said . When there is a deman for a product, there are ways to get it , even when its illegal. Just pass laws to tax it and make some money , just like you did back in the days alcohol was demanded for . The drug money you have spent for years trying to stop it , has been completely wasted. Think about it.
Brenda Blanks