Owen Oyston
Malicious, false allegations of rape
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What happened to Owen Oyston could happen to you or any other innocent member of your family or friend.

I think it is highly probable that he was set up.

Why do I think this?

Our lovely, innocent son was also set up in 2007 by a criminal, who was let off a charge of being involved in a violent robbery, identified by fingerprints already held on the PNC. He claimed to have witnessed his friend (totally unaware of the event) being raped by our son.

The Met. desparate for a show trial dropped the charges against the criminal in favour of a show trial that would "restore confidence in the police within the gay community".

Our son's treatment by the Met is on our website -


After two years I am still fighting for justice against those who made false allegations and the police who admitted that an officer submitted "misleading evidence" but it was not intentional and he would be retrained.

It stinks, just like the treatment of Owen Oyston does.