Carlton W. Kent
Just a thought from a history buff and former EOD usmc tec
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Sgt Major
1. As I have read the Pax Romana that lasted over 200 years until such time as the republic turned to sole ruler ship.
2. As I study what they accomplished I feel there are some things that would desirer considering. First and foremost for ever legion that went to combat 10 times that many skilled workers followed in within 3 days of their line of March caretaking roads, water aqueducts and current farming techniques this status of improving pacified conquered areas. Combined with assimilation of trained personal to enhance area stability by policing them self’s. Agreed there were some flaws the work force was mostly slave labor and the tax after the end of the republic became unattainable which lead to their fall.
3. I know you’re very active but I would be please if you would take a moment to follow my thoughts try to emulate the success of the roman republic.
4. Activate the 4thDiv deploy 2 brigades with the sole responsibility to train and arm 1 brigade of afghans every 6 months, they have a proud history of not unlike our own and if given the tools and training would exceed all expectation
5. Prepare to incorporate 1 brigade of Pakistanis to be trained armed alongside the afghans although they are a great fighting force there casualties are way to high I feel that retraining and equipment combined with side by side training will leave and understanding of their purpose. Of a common enemy. Which would be a huge force multiplayer against a common enemy
6. Set up a American civilian support team that would designate the population needs roads water/ sewer schools hospital and then reach out to our best operators to provided oversight and goal achievement while utilize as much labor from the area as possible to include neighboring states thus showing our true values as a nation, the knowledge over a much larger area creating with opportunities with states that may not see our hart felt intentions . If asked the American farming community has a huge lot of outdated equipment as well as the municipal and private contractors that could be retrofitted and shipped along with the best farmers in the world that could reestablished a farming based on food and livestock that would open markets abroad and to feed the own peoples
7. As part of the joint training of the 4th afghan and Pakistani brigades security should help the farmers and construction fell safe in the change.
8. Inclosing my thoughts would be these are all Measurable
9. servable goals adding 2 fully trained and armored brigades per year a farming/ industry and support systems that could make a notable transformation in 2 years and within 5 be a self sustain system
10. not to forget our current combat units if the General asked for 40000 send him 60000 and as every afghans brigade is brought on line they should be incorporated with ours with a formal change of command after 3 months and the Pakistani brigades’ returned to continue their fight in the frontiers. My thoughts is that within 5 years will have built 10 brigades and a state that compete on the world
11. 7 I know that the politics in a 12 century area of the world will be difficult but if accomplished we will have a small foot print there and the envy of some who are currently less then supportive. But if we maintained the dollars invested and can show results. The issues with the current tribal government will be fixed by the Afghans themselves.
12. I realize my thoughts may be a little out our past experiences but even in our own history WWII the defeat of an army in the filled could not have been sustained without the commitment to build an economic system and I would look there for thoughts and answer The program of lend lease comes to mind. My life has taught me that things that are handed over for free have a lesser value than those I’ve worked hard to achieved and had to repay a price to call it my owned
13. I also feel that with these goals and support in mind that both executive and legislative of our own county would see it as a benefit for their points of goals conservatives will see a robust goal of ending this. The more liberal side will also see and end date and a country that could compete on the world market.
14. The only losers I can for us. With foresee is the continuance of an extended engagement that is to focuses on the enemy and less on those were charged with protection. My Marines area doing it every day when the pas out more MREs and Chocolate the firepower if any of this makes sense Sgt major please bring it to a meeting. I will p[promise that I will be your volunteer ether as a civilian contractor or a member of the 4th division. I know that if we invest 10 times the resources to their people it will save 10 marines as the locales stand and protect us

Sergeant of the Marine Corps I wrote this to you not just because you have commandants ear, but my own strong belief that the safety of all Marines and the families are foremost in your hart. And if there is a new option that would limit our exposure and get our Marines home sooner you will pursue it
Greg Baker
507 456 2243