Time travel
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Is time travel possible?
replied to:  crazyman2
Replied to:  Is time travel possible?
We're all time travelers, of course. We're all traveling forward in time at the same rate - but is it possible to travel faster or slower than this rate?

Einstein says yes. In his theory called 'Special Relativity', he suggests if you were traveling in a spaceship at near the speed of light, time would slow down.. You wouldn't notice the change, but when you returned to your point of origin, much more time would have passed for the people you left behind.
replied to:  mthoms
Replied to:  We're all time travelers, of course. We're all traveling forward in...
Some theories, most notably special and general relativity, suggest that suitable geometries of spacetime, or specific types of motion in space, might allow time travel into the past and future if these geometries or motions are possible.[9] In technical papers physicists generally avoid the commonplace language of "moving" or "traveling" through time ('movement' normally refers only to a change in spatial position as the time coordinate is varied), and instead discuss the possibility of closed timelike curves, which are worldlines that form closed loops in spacetime, allowing objects to return to their own past. There are known to be solutions to the equations of general relativity that describe spacetimes which contain closed timelike curves, but the physical plausibility of these solutions is uncertain.

Physicists take for granted that if one were to move away from the Earth at relativistic velocities and return, more time would have passed on Earth than for the traveler, so in this sense it is accepted that relativity allows "travel into the future" (although according to relativity there is no single objective answer to how much time has 'really' passed between the departure and the return). On the other hand, many in the scientific community believe that backwards time travel is highly unlikely. Any theory which would allow time travel would require that issues of causality be resolved. For example, what if one were to go back in time and kill one's own grandfather? (see grandfather paradox)
replied to:  tbone
Replied to:  Some theories, most notably special and general relativity, suggest that suitable...
Theoretically it is possible by use of worm holes in space , which are allowed by Einsteins theory of special relativity

space and time are irrelevant in a worm hole to the person/thing going through but time would still pass for those outside the wormhole

it has been suggested that wormholes also may provide passage between time past or future

so one could go in a wormhole and possibly come back in 1400 BC

of course none have been found till now but once upon a time black holes were ridiculed as science fantasy hype
replied to:  aseforlife
Replied to:  Theoretically it is possible by use of worm holes in space...
There is not a lot of science on this subject but we can use a little common sense:

I think it is reasonalbe to assume that since we have not been visited by time travelers from the future - time travel will never be possible.
replied to:  swartzy
Replied to:  There is not a lot of science on this subject but...
True, but we also have to consider that everything that hasn't been proved to be impossible is possible.
replied to:  aseforlife
Replied to:  Theoretically it is possible by use of worm holes in space...
There's nothing in Special Relativity that predicts it is possible - but nothing that forbids it, either.
replied to:  swartzy
Replied to:  There is not a lot of science on this subject but...
I would say that may be we have been visited by time travelers like UFOs ! but we won't believe them that's because we already know we didn't believe them !
replied to:  swartzy
Replied to:  There is not a lot of science on this subject but...
If a time traveler from the future could only successfully accomplish time travel to the past by purging his knowledge of the future, could we have been visited by time travelers, they just didn't know it?
replied to:  crazyman2
Replied to:  Is time travel possible?
Only to the time traveller.Whether or not you discuss desire or objectively fool,time only goes forward nowhere.It depends on what you do with YOUR time toward its longevity and force,and therefore you travel in time travel.
replied to:  crazyman2
Replied to:  Is time travel possible?
Going back in time is impossible. It's an exercise in meaninglessness! Why? Who says time is something that you "can travel" anyways? Time is simple: time = change; nothing more and nothing less. You can have more change (like time "speeds" up), less change (like time "slows" down), or no change (like time stays "still"), but you can't have negative change. I hope that clears things up.

Also, even if the "super string" theory of "alternate universes" is correct (which I HIGHLY doubt) you would still NOT be traveling to the past through time; instead, you would be traveling to alternate universes. C is the universal speed limit...it is the speed of time! Once you reach c you will have used up all of your available time in the universe!

replied to:  tBoone
Replied to:  Going back in time is impossible. It's an exercise in meaninglessness!...
The speed of thought is said to be equal to the speed of light.
Since we have to comprehend the speed of light, and the speed of thought takes no comprehension but is comprehension, I propose the speed of thought to be faster.
We use the speed of thought to measure the speed of light, meaning the speed of thought is faster.

Time travel is possible traveling at the speed of thought, we do it all the time.
replied to:  crazyman2
Replied to:  Is time travel possible?
THE SPEED OF THOUGHT IS ONLY ACCESSIBLE TO TIME PSYCHOLOGY REVERSE.I've said it before but that was the past,so i'll say it again....the speed of thought is only accessible to time psychology reverse.I've said it again but that was the future,so i'll say it before.....and this went on for some time.
replied to:  crazyman2
Replied to:  Is time travel possible?
As a part of our DNA, chromosomes, cells, going back in time, there is a scene that is a part of it, that can be seen. It is there as a part of your cells. If you think back to any time in your life, or at any time, if you let yourself see, you will see what was happening at that time, even feel it.
This is great for doing the Universe. For instance . . .
In the very beginning, take the idea of Space with nothing in it at all. Space does exist but it's nothing and doesn't move. (logic-there is nothing to move) and space goes on forever in all directions. If you "look" you will "see" white. why? because with nothing to differentiate areas, everywhere seems to be everywhere. there seems to be more everywhere, which is white (with white you "feel" nothing. And alot happened after that.
I wonder, if you have lots of info. who do you get it to. the stuff I know is beyond everyone. Just wondering. I love doing the Universe. I can see it. Try it - the white - try and see it.
replied to:  tBoone
Replied to:  Going back in time is impossible. It's an exercise in meaninglessness!...
That sounded really complicated. You would have to think about it alot, before replying. I just wanted to tell you that.
replied to:  tBoone
Replied to:  Going back in time is impossible. It's an exercise in meaninglessness!...
Well we are here in the present time, but we may have holding from the past that hold us there, so it affects the way we feel about the present. Like, people hold in abusive things from a childhood and are always feeling like they have to protect themselves, and until they connect to the scene and release it (which can take time) they keep going back to is.
The rest of what you said is really complicated - I might have to work in out in some future time.
replied to:  tBoone
Replied to:  Going back in time is impossible. It's an exercise in meaninglessness!...
Everything has what was in it before - thats how we evolved. So actually, we do have all of evolutionary time in us. We don't have to actually travel back in time. Its always there with us and it keeps coming up in different ways.
Why do they keep thinking about dinosaurs? Maybe its part of our evolution - it could be possible,
then you say some other really complicated things, which I can't figure out. Are dinosaurs in alternate universes. JK.
replied to:  axus
Thanks, but...you can change your mind all you want it still isn't going to happen. "If your mind thinks you are still at home but you are physically at work you would have issues..." I'll say, mental issues.

"Did you ever get home from school, take a nap and when you woke up you didn't know 'when' you were? Your mind AND body were lost in time." Actually, it's called disorientation. It's your perception of time that's disoriented and not time itself as it progressed normally whether you were aware of it or not.

"You traveled in time the instant you looked at the clock, your mind told you when it was and your body went right along with it." No. You became oriented once you read the clock and so you now became aware of the current time. Your body didn't care whether your mind new what time it was; it aged just the same.

"To travel in time 'physically' we have to change the way we think. I've changed my mind. Have you changed yours?" Not really, as time isn't something that's traveled (again.) You can change your mind all you want about something that isn't true; it'll still not be true. Someone famous once said that the moon is still there whether we are looking at it or not. :o)
replied to:  lisapruitt
You do realize that there is no such thing as empty space, right?
replied to:  tBoone
I agree with all of that too. I said something similar in the thread about the possibility of someone going back in time 4 years. And I agree that that seer didnt see the "future" necessarily as much as he did the outcome of the current consequent series of events leading up to that point unaffected by outside forces. An outside force being him pulling his friend back away from the position he'd have been in had he not been acted on by that force, thus resulting in a different outcome. Much like physics and predicting the trajectory of an object, Id imagine, or an event tree.
replied to:  crazyman2
Replied to:  Is time travel possible?
Time travel is absolutely possible. if you can travel with speed of light and your heart is so much strong to support your body and brain then it is absolutely possible. see videos on cosmic strings and black holes in you tube.
replied to:  crazyman2
Replied to:  Is time travel possible?
Thru time dilaton you could pass thru time at a faster pace relitive to others but you could not go backwards.
replied to:  crazyman2
Replied to:  Is time travel possible?
Impossible is a word that is used when the explantion is beyond the comprehension of those that claim to know what they are saying. Until a true understanding of time is gained and is there anyone
out there that can make that claim? Then like many of the things that were thought to be impossible that have later been shown to be completely possble I would most definitely have to say yes. The direction will not matter. Time is not related to space as is currently thought and is only a by product of speed. It is the result of what happens to a mass that is accelerated and is a completely local phenomenon which is why it can only compared to anything else from a fixed position. The action that causes time to pass can be recreated with out motion it can be accelerated and reversed. The only problem you will have is that nothing was where it is now and what is here now will not be there when the time comes.
replied to:  Deadfire
Replied to:  I agree with all of that too. I said something similar...
Hello, I'm not supposed to do this, but I figured raz the shaz, know what I mean. So I'm here at Disney Planet in the Time Machine Room. I decided to use this external PC-A and try out a keyboard. It's so dupe, I've only seen these things in holopics.
Just to let you know...We don't have "time travel" where I come from. What we do have is probably as close as we will ever get. You might think of it as a superstring recorder, of course that whole superstring theory was disproven years ago, as just and myth.
So newya – what we have here, you might think of it as a mixamash of HDR's and VR displays. Whatever we record, we playback in this room.
I guess that would mean if you’re reading this, well than – you’re just part of a recording!
replied to:  crazyman2
Replied to:  Is time travel possible?
Time is a measurement of sequence. The time past has already happened and can not be revisited. The time future has not yet happened and it would alter the sequence of choices that make up the future. I fact that possible alien life forms move through another dimension does not destroy sequence. Even if you talk about eternity you are talking sequence. The measurement of that sequence can change but the fact of it will not. The spiritual world has no time space as we know it but it does have sequence. Time travel will never destroy sequence of events.
replied to:  5ws1h
Replied to:  Hello, I'm not supposed to do this, but I figured raz...
We have them too, they're called a video cameras!
And wait, hold on, I am going to erase you!
replied to:  crazyman2
Replied to:  Is time travel possible?
Time travel is absolutely impossible!
The Past is FIXED. It's gone so there is no destination to travel to. Even God can't change the past.God can only wish to do what is logically possible. He would not do any thing that was illogical, nor would he wish to, as this would deminish his perfection

The Future is yet to be!- So again there can be no destination to travel to.

The speed of light has nothing to do with it.

We live in a continuum of 'nows'.

The past is no longer and the future again is yet to be. Ergo time travel is impossible - QED.
replied to:  crazyman2
Replied to:  Is time travel possible?
In general relativity, space and time are regarded to be similar. As we can travel in space, there is no reason for time travel to be not possible. Consider a star in the sky; the light from it will continue to reach us even after the star as burned out.(As light doesn't travel instantaneously but takes time, so the information wouldn't reach us for many years) We are living in the 'past' every second.

Also we can enter a spaceship and travel near the speed of light and when we come back, more time would have passed on earth than the time on spaceship. So we can 'travel' to the future.

Going to the past by extension could very well be possible, but the possibility of actually changing the past events is questionable. Also, time travel is possible theoretically by some results of general relativity.
replied to:  crazyman2
Replied to:  Is time travel possible?
Yes. Ive done it. Didnt know I was doing it at the time of course, but then worked out that Time Travel was the ONLY rational+logical explanation for all the anomalous events in my life over the past 2yrs. The first time I noticed it was a simple situation which, had something else not happened to make me question my 'temporal stability', a neighbour reporting an equally surprising event in HIS life which I knew backed up understanding of having "shifted" to another date and back again.. I'd not have realised anything was happening for perhaps several years. During a storm in 2006, a tile fell off the roof+landed on the grass. I removed it and put it against the back wall in case it killed the grass. The following day I looked out the back door to see how the weather was, and to my surprise saw the tile back in exactly the same place as it had been the day before. Hm... I assumed (as you would) that my neighbour had replaced it eg. maybe she'd used it to mark the fall point thus aiding any roof repairer to locate the area needing attention. Being scientific, I asked her saying I hadnt meant to cause any trouble by moving the tile.
Neither she nor anyone upstairs had seen let alone replaced the tile onto the grass. No visitor would have been able to replace it on EXACTLY the same spot.

I think Time Travel is/can also be Dimension Hopping.
The way you spot this is - a person you spoke to last week, perhaps asked a specific question of, tells you something \*completely different\* the next time.
eg. After my Gran died, I asked my mother if there had been much to clear out of her flat. She said "Nothing. Gran didnt keep lots of clutter, her house was always immaculate". 3wks later I decided to check my theory of "moving around" and I asked her again about Gran's flat.. Had there been much to clear out? "LOADS she said. Gran never threw anything away, it took us all week and we're all exhausted".

So, if you were suspecting that Time Travel was real.
It is. What we do with the opportunity though..that's another question. I already have the impression that someone/something has fu\*ked up my life by affecting events in other Time Frames/Dimensions. One minute I had a number of friends, then, suddenly, I walked into a Social Night in Edinburgh and half the people int he room walked out. It was as if I had a Harry Potter cloak on; they thought I was someone else altogether!? Friends have spoken to me as if Im fabulously wealthy. Ive seen that my own sister is virtually IDENTICAL to Rhonda Wylie, the super rich woman recently connected to the McCann case. Do I have a double out there?!?!

I pay my Gas Bill and find myself fighting for A YEAR with NPower who refuse to admit they have the money.
A year later, they say they've "found it". Another year passes and I find that the same money isnt on the printout of "all money paid to them by me". Someone even rang me from a competitor company saying "I was afraid to call and speak to you". WHIT?! WHY would a member of staff in a call centre at a fuel supply company who havent even taken over my accounts yet, and who dont know me AT ALL - be afraid to phone me??

Time+Dimension Travel is a reality. God help us all.
replied to:  oncearoyal
Replied to:  Time travel is absolutely impossible! The Past is FIXED. It's...
Complete rubbish.
replied to:  Owenbomar
Replied to:  Thru time dilaton you could pass thru time at a faster...
It's completely wrong that you can't travel backwards. Like Willy Wonka's Great Glass Elevator, you can travel up, down, sideways... :-)
These forums are refreshing in that all debate is good, but, when people simply post "it's impossible" whilst offering NO evidence, that's irritating. When I began to realise that something strange was happening to me, I got very "pissy scientific" about it. I have this friend who was phoning me up from 30miles away and telling me all manner of specific things about my flat; stuff she couldnt know because she'd never been in the flat & other people could not have told her because she named things I'd only just bought, or which were stored away inside boxes and I'd never shown them to anyone. I was SO impressed by her bizarre ability that when she next rang me, and I had half a Snickers Bar from the fridge on a side plate; I picked it up, turned it over in my hand + asked; What do I have in my hand? Her reply (verbatim) was:
It's cold. I can feel edges. Nuts. Toffee. Something like mint?? (no) Well, light anyway. I can see a 50p piece shape Sal. So, what is all that anyway?

Chilled Snickers Bar. Nuts. Toffee. An 8-sided plate.

Timewise; A year ago I looked out my front window and saw "life" happening at triple speed. I blinked. I saw LOTS of people passing back & forth in each direction I was confused. Didnt believe it at first. I saw a car drive at some speed the wrong way along our one-way road. 2wks later I was outside in the street and saw a car coming right at me from the wrong direction. I have never before seen ANY vehicle drive the wrong way down this road since I moved here 3yrs ago. Not once. What really happened here is, I saw the event from TWO DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES. That is what Time Travel, and "Being seen to be someone else" etc is all about.
I also had a friend sit 5ft from me, look me in the eye and ask "How do you know it's not me". I got an email from Microsoft saying "If you're not already subscribed to receive this mailing, click here".
How's that for circular logic. haha
replied to:  tBoone
Replied to:  Going back in time is impossible. It's an exercise in meaninglessness!...
"...even if the "super string" theory of "alternate universes" is correct (which I HIGHLY doubt) you would still NOT be traveling to the past through time;"

What surprised me was to recently watch Dr Who programs and see a lot of things which related perfectly to the notion of - when you die, you go to another dimension. What happens to me is, when I talk to people, I frequently find other people talking within the same conversation, or speaking within the gaps. So where eg. a person were to simply walk across a room, instead of doing so in silence, someone in what appears to be an adjacent universe seems to be able to use them to talk to me. Bizarre, but correct. I see the changes very quickly sometimes. Here's another phenomena that suggests that we also access information from other dimensions through dreams;
One morning in July/Aug 2001, my partner and I woke up and turned to each other to describe having had Disaster Movie dreams. What followed was unbelievable
- A few weeks later we were looking back on having described in graphic detail the events of the WTC attack. Curiously we also both woke up with mirror image phrases in our minds; "Planes crashing+planes tipping over", and "Trains crashing+trains tipping over". (Madrid of course). In my dream I saw events from every angle; From within the plane as though through the eyesa of a hijacker who sat in the frotn left seat of the cockpit, I saw the green spire-topped building which that plane flew past on the right of before smashing into the South Tower; I saw as if I were a cloud(!) people "herded to the back of a plane by a man wielding a surgically sharp knife"; I knew a plane had "bounced in the desert they nearly made it". We saw the city from overhead, from the ground, and from a distance. I had NO idea where NY was, not really and I certainly didnt know it had "fingerlike projections around the water-filled edges", and I had no idea of the existence of the WTC let alone that one of the "identical, designer quality" buildings which my partner saw as "half built" had a conductivity spike on top. We saw all these things as clear as daylight several weeks before the events took place in the real world. Would anyone expect us to try to TELL someone of the details in advance of the fact? Hm. Do you think I'd have been wearing an orange suit, or a closely fitted padded cell within 24hrs.

Parallel Universes appear to be separated by a time differential. Movement between them is Time Travel.
replied to:  tBoone
Replied to:  You do realize that there is no such thing as empty...
"You do realize that there is no such thing as empty space, right?"

I love the simplicity of this comment :-)
Whether perceived or not, all that comes out of a place has to be inside it in the first place, yes?
replied to:  crazyman2
Replied to:  Is time travel possible?
I nearly forgot. Two years (?) ago I went into my local grocery shop at the time the Euromillions Lottery hit it's maximum value, £180m (or thereabouts, everyone remember this?) The earliest they could have advertised the massive Jackpot before it was reset, was 7 days before the next Draw, yes? The promotional materials were in place mid week; I bought a ticket on Wed/Thur for the Friday Mega Draw. On Saturday I went back to the shop, picked up a Results printout, saw that I hadnt won a bean, and left. Monday I was back at the shop and chatted to the shopkeeper; I asked him if he knew how many people had shared the Mega Prize Fund payout, was it one lucky winner or lots of people sharing the £180m. He said "They havent done the Draw yet, it's next week".

replied to:  crazyman2
Replied to:  Is time travel possible?
Yes, I am from 2312. As of that date, Christ has not yet returned (no will he ever, you'll find out about 2058 or so), there has been 4 more revolutions since the one you are experiencing now (the information revolution) and the world has gotten away from dependency of oil and the car that runs on water has been reveiled and is open for sale to the public. Captialism has shown to not be the ideal government and has fallen into a dictatorship (though it definetly had the longest run). Yes, 300 years into the future, things are not a whole lot different. You can even tell that my lingo and grammar are still as they are in 2009.
replied to:  painkiller24
Replied to:  Yes, I am from 2312. As of that date, Christ has...
Very pleased to know if in the year 2312 it is still called "Time travel".
Can you be so nice and tell me where do you like it more? "here" or "there"?! :-)
replied to:  whiten
Replied to:  Very pleased to know if in the year 2312 it is...
I like it better "then" actually. We still call it Time Travel because of it's notorious background of fringe science and to call it something else would be just plain no fun!
replied to:  painkiller24
Replied to:  I like it better "then" actually. We still call it Time...
Sure u must like it better "then" as in "Now" u are not even borne yet,or are you? :-)

In the past there has been vehicles that run on water and not on oil fuel.
In the year 2312 those vehicles that run on water do they manage to heat the water by the same ways (wood or coal burning) or is there some other way?!
It will be very nice of you if u can brink some more fun on this subject. :-) :-)

replied to:  whiten
Replied to:  Sure u must like it better "then" as in "Now" u...
As you mentioned, the vehicles that run on water are indeed very real during this time (2009). Unfortunetly due to the economy and conflicts between nations, I'm sure you're aware of the touchiness of it, oil is the name of the game and the H20 car will not be fully available to the public until just before 2100. All of those worries about oil shortages are just propaganda. You need not give concern to them. :)
replied to:  painkiller24
Replied to:  As you mentioned, the vehicles that run on water are indeed...
Thank you for your reply.

Even that there was not any worries on me, what so ever, about the oil shortages, now you have managed to make me worry about the water supply shortages in the future.

Even that,at the present,the water has not entered yet the equation as a fuel substitute for the oil,it is in some way costly and, to a point of management;in shortage(even while in substance is considered free for all).

How do work the economics of it all in the future?!
Forgive my ignorance but am really puzzled.
Appreciated a lot if you can shed a bit more light in the matter.

cheers :-)
replied to:  whiten
Replied to:  Thank you for your reply. Even that there was not...
I fear that I am exhausting the extent of information that I am allowed to expose. It is through a water shortage at some point in the 2100's that forces the nations of the world to re-evaluate what it means to BE HUMAN. Hehe, emphasis on those words because it is a world wide revolution that changes economies, cultural values and all around morals. Not a single human being is able to survive without water so what kind of asinine being would deny its own race the means to survive? Truly embaressing if any other civilization would be observing (hint hint!)
replied to:  painkiller24
Replied to:  I fear that I am exhausting the extent of information that...
Thank you for the reply.

I see your point,I think.
In the end it seams to come down to a revolution instead of a willing to freely embrace the so much needed harmonious and reasonable reformation of Our Social and Civic order. A shame for us all if we still can't see despite all that was given to us. Still not able to give back any thing of value.
It seams we are lead more by our own fears than by our virtues.Can't see how a revolution can change that.
But in the end that is only me.

Hope you work your way to control your own fears and grow to lead your self through the principals and the virtues.(hint hint!(if that means any thing)):-) :-)

As, in one way or another, there will be water,the problem it lies with the pollution of it rather than with it's shortage, I think.
What do you think?
Will we be able to keep it unpolluted and clean enough in the future?!

cheers. :-)
replied to:  whiten
Replied to:  Thank you for the reply. I see your point,I think....
What I don't think a whole lot of people appreciate is that our water is not so polluted as it is made to seem. It's cleaner than it has ever been in human history. If you look at a timeline of the human race's life span, it climbs the graph higher and higher as time goes on. As time went on, cleaner water systems developed. As of today (2009) the average lifespan of an American male is 77 (+-2) years. As far as some less fortunate countries in Africa, the average life span may be no higher than the mid 40's or 50's. This of course hurts the world average but it still remains higher than ever in humanity's existence. The reason why people are so fearful of water contamination is because of the huge population on the planet. Nearly seven billion people on one habitable rock in the solar system is quite a cramped place. Should a contamination strike a source of fresh water, or any water seeing that filters are available that can freshen almost any water, the result would be horrific. Hundreds of thousands, millions, maybe even billions of people could go without fresh water. A chunk of the population would fall into anarchy. Some may even refer to it as the end of days, but that's a whole different story.
replied to:  painkiller24
Replied to:  What I don't think a whole lot of people appreciate is...
Hi again there.

Very clever reasoning, but must say that it is to selective and focused in a very narrow point of the time line of the human civilization.
Through most of that time line the world was considered a very cramped or very crowded a place by the humanity, apart from the instances of horrific destruction,like plagues, natural disasters,horrible wars..etc.

And always it seams there is a connection between the pollution of the water and the disasters.It seams like humanity gets intoxicated with it's own,so much claimed,purified source of fresh water.
These water systems and especially the filters,you mention, seams to degrade and get corrupt unchecked, and most probably become the source of the contamination itself.

As for the USA,sorry to say this,but through all it's national history,as far as I know,it has been considered as a very crowded place by the American people, despite of it been one of the less crowded nations on this world of ours.

And Africa once upon the time was home to the very top of the human civilization and for same reason it did totally perish as a such. There is some historical(so to say) claims, that apart from other causes, the water pollution played some part in it too.
And prior to this happening there seams to have been claims that the water was cleaner than ever before in human history.

Will be pleased if you, with your better knowledge of the future you come from, can shed some more light in this matter.

Don't know if that makes some sense for you,as you been from the future and therefore from a better place.

By the way,if it is not much of asking, what nationality do you have in the future,if that still make same sense for you?!

Thank you for your reply.:-)

replied to:  whiten
Replied to:  Hi again there. Very clever reasoning, but must say that...
I would first like to clearify that the year I traveled from may not be "better" in the eyes of everybody. I prefer it then, than now. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

This almost is taking on the characteristics of a political debate. It can rage on and on and both sides may neither be wrong or right. Just a big waste of time ha! I tend to stay away from politics because of that matter. As far as this conversation goes, I'd see it from a more sociological point of view. In my late teen years, I took a bit of an interest in sociology. I was so curious as to why people do the things that they do. How they react under certain situations. But much like politics, there just ends up being no right or wrong answer. Only a theory. When it comes to water contaminations and over population, which are obviously huge issues that need to be addressed, they tend to be recognized but go unaccounted for. I like this to sociology and why I lost interest in it. There just isn't any real answer as to why people do the things that they do. Maybe over population and water contamination will be addressed when we're on the brink of extinction. I'll even put 20 dollars on that. :)

I am a resident of the United States. Yes, it has survived that long. The world's nations aren't a whole lot different in my year than they are today.
replied to:  painkiller24
Replied to:  I would first like to clearify that the year I traveled...
Thank you for your reply.
Been very pleased with all of your replies, as they shed a bit more light on my understanding of the world I live in and share with the rest of us all, despite the time factor.
Happy to see a connection of interest,no matter how that perceived through the eye of the beholder.

Do like your point of view, even while I really fail to see where actually the politics did manage to snick in on this discussion we have.

Always liked the theoretical point of view in general, specially when it has a touch of fun.

Always been interested in understanding of the water and it's related properties as it seams to be the main conduit to life and energy configuration in this world of ours, either in the natural or the social aspect(At least that is how it seams to me).

My self I do consider the reaction as a connection to the counter-reaction, whatever be the subject. It seams to be a basic unavoidable rule of the existence.
Am not pretending this to be right or true, only that this is how I see it, at least for now.

Wish you the very best, which ever the time be in any moment of your life.

Welcomed to share your thoughts any time you see fit.

Whatever or whenever you think that can shed a bit more light on that way of my trying to understand the world, will be appreciated.

Thank you very much again, painkiller24. :-)

replied to:  crazyman2
Replied to:  Is time travel possible?
Time travel is nothing but creation of a world where a identical copy of u exists or an advanced one that will maybe exist...

such event need energy that can only be created by GOD and no one else...of course not any human...

dnt think of time travel...enjoy ur present...maybe u wont have any future...
replied to:  godfather
Replied to:  Time travel is nothing but creation of a world where a...
It's all just a matter of opinion. Remember in history class when you were studying the 1700's or whatever? People would have been burned at the stake for even mentioning human cloning. But look at where we are today. It's definetly possible. Even back then, time travel was just some whack job's idea in writing a book to make a few bucks. But look at where we are today. It's really surprising. I say that it's a matter of opinion because it depends on what your definition of the word "possible" is. There's evidence that only forward time travel may be possible and backwards is not allowed, yet at the same time, there is no law in the universe that says we cannot time travel in any sense.

There's a book I often see at the book store that I will most likely purchase on my next visit. It's called "Is God a Mathematician?" Of course it doesn't touch on the existence of god at all but argues of whether mathematics is truly the way the universe works or just a man-made concept to help compensate for our understanding of how everything works.

I look at time with the same question. Is time truly the fourth dimension? Or is it just a man-made concept to help us measure the distance between events over our unique perception? Perhaps this is why there's no law that says we cannot time travel...time might not exist. You cannot penalize a basketball team for a foul ball that would be accounted for in a baseball game! :)
replied to:  crazyman2
Replied to:  Is time travel possible?
Time travel will never happen for the simple fact that if in the future time travel became possible then we would know because someone would have travelled back through time. As this has never happened time travel will never be possible.
replied to:  doingnothing
Actually, it's quite right.

To answer your question "Who said there was only 1 at B" I did. It is a GIVEN part of the thought experiment; if you change the GIVEN, then you change the experiment. It becomes a completely different experiment. One simply cannot violate causality. That's one of the reasons why "backwards" time travel is not possible. The other is the fact that time isn't really something you travel: it is change. As long as change is occurring so it time. You can more change (like approaching c), less change (like time slows down), or no change (time stops like reaching c); but you can't have negative change as that is nonsense and meaningless.
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