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Is there any1 here thats a SDA (Seventh Day Adventist)
replied to:  carlin
Replied to:  Is there any1 here thats a SDA (Seventh Day...
Hi carlin, It seems you are alone here. I was just passing by and thought I would say hello. By the way I attend a baptist church although i really don't ascribe to any particular denomination per se. However, I would probably never stray outside of the protestant stream and adhere to conservative theology. I am at least evangelical when it comes to statements of faith. Furthermore I lean toward Arminianism when it comes to salvation. However, this has been evolving into more radical strains of tradition like open theism. Happy trails , Mike
replied to:  carlin
Replied to:  Is there any1 here thats a SDA (Seventh Day...
I am a Roman Catholic and i just have a question: why do you guys go to church on sunday if the early Christians celebrated the breacing of the bread (eucharest, mass) on sunday: see Acts 20:7? The lords day changed to sunday because that was the day that Christ was ressurected.
Sunday was the universal day of Christian worship because it is the day of the Resurrection, the day after the Sabbath, and the Feast of Firstfruits—which is why Paul calls Jesus’ resurrection the firstfruits of the resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:20). Since it is the first day of the week, it is also the eighth day of the previous week, the day of the new creation (the allusion in 2 Corinthians 5:17).

In the first century, many Christians, both Jews and gentile “God-fearers,” continued to attend synagogue instruction on the Sabbath and then attended Christian worship on Sunday. Since the Roman week was ten days long at the time, Sunday didn’t always fall on the Roman weekend, so services were held before sunrise. In the 90s, the rabbis excommunicated the Christians and inserted wording into the synagogue liturgy that would make Christians very uncomfortable, even if they did attend. So we were left with just Sunday.
