Alexander Bard
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What ever created for mass population like religion,paranoia for the fiction word "democracy", has a number of objective which they can manipulate our minds for control and is all sham,and what ever has such effects we should breakaway from, if we want save our Individuality or uniqueness.

As a human being we are a unique and our uniqueness comes from our mind creations Or our essences.We think and we choose,simple philosophy(Zoroastrian philosophy).There is no need for us to become a follower of any kind,really!

That is the only difference between us and animals and we should preserve that and promote.We should create individual population instead of mass population,if we really want to progress as a human species!

I think,we must think!

I thought it is good topic to start the discussion!(I hope!)

replied to:  mitrakt
Replied to:  What ever created for mass population like religion,paranoia for the fiction...
The difference between humans and animals is that humans have self-awareness and a knowledge of their own mortality.
replied to:  lasrus
Replied to:  The difference between humans and animals is that humans have self-awareness...

if we acknowledge and accept that we are self aware of our own morality, then it shouldn't be possible we become a follower(mass population)!
Therefore that shows majority of people they are not self aware of their own morality and following "others" morality!
Then those people become society which their rules and actions are based on casting the specific and explicit moral judgment on those who do not share community values interferes in the private lives of "individuals".
Moral dictatorship is,new form of authoritarianism,which is not tolerating non-conformity or dismissing it.
Intolerance which is based on desire to keep people align with certain "standard" values.
Not just agree with them, but putting then in a corner and holding them in moral contempt(guilt) and judging them as wrong when they do not conform.
Who says share value or majorities value are necessary is a good value?and unfortunately share value is also is dominant value in most of the society even if artificially constructed!
