I'm looking for my family history, mother lived in Tyree, I'm looking for her family history. Her maiden name is something like McGloughlin, Macgloglin, Mcglouglynn she was born in Glasgow.
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I'm doing some research into my family history because right now... I have none!

I can't ask any questions about my Mother's side because I never get any answers. I really don;t mind if I find out something bad happened to the family because... then something will have happened and I'll know about it and why. You know?

Anyway, I know my Mother lived in Tyree, for a few years at least growing up. She has mentioned that during the holidays kids came from the mainland who she played with but it was quiet at other times of the year.
This works with the fact that I know few people live there and that a ferry comes from the mainland as its a popular island resort.

She says she worked in a wool factory and that at some point an official or a member of parliament or a prince (I know I'm being vague but this is my memories as a kid so its sketchy) came to visit or open the place (maybe the first) but from my digging I can't find any evidence of there ever being a wool factory on the island...
Any help for that would be fantastic.

She has mentioned that the elders speak only Gaelic and this also works with what I know about the place (Very little but wiki says so) but she only learnt this at school, I don't know how important this may be but its something non the less.

This is far wordy then I planned it to be but essentially my Mother won't tell me anything about my family history, since becoming 18 I thought she would say you know? However she hasn't and I really feel the need to know. She was born in Glasgow and moved at a young age (I think) to Tyree. She's 51 and has siblings so I don't know the full time-line there I'm sorry.

Her maiden name is McGloughlin or Macgloglin or Mcglouglynn. I don't know how to spell it but I was hoping... if anyone has access to any genealogy sites or knows of any censuses for the isle could they please link me up? Better yet if you're from Tyree or has visited there and knows of an Isabel McGloughlin or Macgloglin or Mcglouglynn...

She ha three siblings that I know of; Jane, Linda and a brother who I have no idea what he is called. If any of these names or places or dates ring a bell... even if you only have been there on holiday and know nothing else, anything about the place and the islands people will help. Please e-mail me or message me here or post here. Anything will help.

