Combination car
I’m Announcing my RWW’s “Cadillac Ambulance Gurney”
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Hello Combination Car Discussion Link,
Rick W. White here. I’m Announcing my RWW’s “Cadillac Ambulance Gurney” which you may be interested in seeing.
El Cajon, Ca. Rick White, announces that he has devised a new style Cadillac concept for Ambulance Gurney mattresses that will feature two distinct life saving features.
The Cadillac Gurney mattress will completely envelope the victim, & will be filled with pressurized to beyond the blood pressure of the victim with .95% pure oxygen, (which will blood loss immediately).
Another feature of RWW’s Cadillac Ambulance Gurney mattress is that the outer shell is a 3” an envelope completely surrounding the victim, which is filled with (readily available) CO2 gas, thus lowering the victim’s body temperature.
RWW has already posted the Cadillac Ambulance Gurney mattress on his flickr WEB site. Hackers can Google “RWW “Heal the World!”” to find his WEB site. (If the actual WEB address id within this email, the SPAM blockers will pick it up)! I will return email a jpeg illustration if requested.
Sincerely, Rick W. White
