If you truly feel like the world is overpopulated and you believe some people should be offed then..
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If you truly feel like the world is overpoplulated and you believe some people should be offed then why not start with yourselves? I doubt any of you would sign up for that...I can hear you now..." yeah the world can't support our species so these people should just die"....(a voice from the P.A. system comes on and says) "Who will be the first to step up to the podium and save the planet by killing yourself"...I bet you not one of you would take those steps, so don't make somebody else take those steps in your place...if you think this BIG ASS ROCK can't handle humans, then please be my quest and off yourself...
replied to:  jbarnes1
Replied to:  If you truly feel like the world is overpoplulated and you...
I'll be the devil's advocate.

So I'm this guy who is for killing people in order to reduce population.
We should start by those opposed to this idea. By doing so, it would be easier to proceed. Obviously, since I am for the idea of killing people to reduce population, I shouldn't be killed in "Phase 1".
Then, we should kill those that will be missed the less. And by that, I mean old people, criminals or people with no family or friends. I, of course, am not part of this population so I am not to be killed in Phase 2.

And then it goes on and on, finding demographic cathegories in which I'm not.

Now, I'll just be myself. I think this is not the way to handle overpopulation. People tend to die given enough time, it would be easier to castrate or make a significant portion of, let's say, male newborns sterile. Let's say half the population. These people would not have any kids, and once they die, it's just that. There should be laws against multiple children as well. That's how you take care of it in developped countries. In poor countries, it goes through condoms and education.
replied to:  Greyson
Replied to:  I'll be the devil's advocate. So I'm this...
Why on earth are we here if its not to multiple and prosper? To make money?...no...To make war?...no...To make babies and live a full and peaceful life with the ones you love?...yes....enjoy...P.S. Would you be the first one castrated for your cause, or would you pawn that of on someone you feel is below you?...enjoy