22nd Bomb Group (Red Raiders) 5th Army Air Force
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I have a older friend who is now 87. He tells me that he served in the 33 squadron and the 22 bomber division of the army air force in World War II and was sent out of the Philipeans on a bombing raid into China. He was a rear gunner and the plain was shot down over China. He and some other survivors were helped by locals to a pick-up area where they were rescued. He had sufficient points to come home after that as he had over 50 missions. Can someone point me in the right direction to find out more?
replied to:  jimroberts
Replied to:  I have a older friend who is now 87. He...
There are two sites I know of that might be of helt. One is B26.com. The historian is very knowlageable and helpful and there are a lot of post that you scroll thru. The other is redraiders22bg.com, its an inactive site (do to spamming) but you can still read all the information that was posted there. I found an active e-mail from a decendent of a man that served with my father in the ground crews of the 22nd BG, 19th BS, that sent me in the right directions. There were 4 squardrons in the 22nd. Hope these are of some help.
replied to:  jimroberts
Replied to:  I have a older friend who is now 87. He...
You can contact following email to rcv copies of the quarterly 22nd BG Newsletter: 22ndbombgroup@gmail.com

Laura is editor. Hope this gives your friend some new info. Old copies of Newsletter can be downloaded also.

My father KIA with the group in March 1945. If your friend was flying out of Philippines he was flying in 1944-45 and flying in a B-24.

Mike Edmonds
replied to:  jimroberts
Replied to:  I have a older friend who is now 87. He...
My father was a crew chief in the 22nd BG 33rd SQ. His name was Delbert "Junior" Conrad from Illinois. I am doing research to rebuild his military records. We lost most of his military memorabilia in a fire. If I find anything that can help, I'll be happy to share.

If you can, please ask your friend if he happened to know my dad.

Also, this year, there will be a reunion of the 22nd BG in Austin, TX. Info is below:

The 22nd Bomb Group, 5th Air Force, WWII Veterans will hold their 63rd annual reunion this year in Austin, Texas. The dates are October 24 - 27, 2012. The hotel will be the Holiday Inn Town Lake (also known as Holiday Inn Ladybird Lake.)

We have reserved coach busses for a trip to the WWII Pacific museum in Fredicksburg, TX. More info tofollow.

Many of the sons, daughters, and grandchildren attend the reunions now. We are counting on them to continue the 22nd Bomb Group Association. You are welcome to join us in Austin.

Contact: carol@carolandcharliebaker.com

Hope this helps you.

