Contact (law)
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I have a 10 month old daughter, and am seperated from the mother. i have no means of contact. i dont know about her well being. i have no visitation. my supervised contact visits have been delayed due to the mothers late enrolment. as has the "kids 'r' first" program. i am although certain that the enviroment she is in is quite volatile, and the people that the mother is involved with are all juvenile wards of the state, on drugs and alcohol, while in our daughters presence along with who ever they take with them.
we have had legal conferencing, but i am now unable to complete a part of my obligation, but have taken on other a more extensive program to compensate and am partaking in further outside counselling. yet she is still refusing to carry through with visitation.
i'm asking if i have any rights at all for visitation, if i am able to be informed of her well being on a regular basis.