Coral Eugene Watts
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I am a college student at IHCC in the Minneapolis, MN area. Through a service learning project was lucky enough to become involved with some very interesting research. I have been assigned to find out (if possible), if there is any evidence of alcohol use by Dorothy Mae Young, the mother of Coral Watts. Evidence is beginning to emerge that even a slight amount of use, can contribute to learning disabilities, impulse control and various other disabilities. I am coming up with very contradictory information about what kind of intelligence Coral had. Although it is stated he had a low IQ, he is described as very intelligent.

This forensic reseach team is being sponsored by the "American Institute for the advancement of Forensic Studies", and the "Minnesota Organization on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders". Our finding will be presented at the National Adler Conference in Atlanta next June.

I would love any information anyone has to offer - thanks!