Oprah Winfrey
I also Killed a molester
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When i was a young boy i was molested by a man,{Richard Miller],...he did things to me that i just tried to forget and tried to live as normal as i could for many years, I blocked what happen out. {or thought i did for many years}..when i was 27 years old i was married and had a 7 year old son..he wanted to go to camp for two weeks with my little sister so i let him go, when he came home he told me that a man did things to him, when i investagated what he had told me i found out that it was the same man who molested me many years before..so i went to his home and i killed him...I did many years in prison for vol manslauter..now i have ptsd and depression. when u have your shows that help people that have been molested as young men and women it does help those of us out here that have to live with what has happen to us,,please know that it was'nt your fault what has happen to u,,,and u all can live a normal live with it, if u talk to others about it and do not try to block it out..there is one word that is very important in order to live with it,,"understanding"..understand that it was'nt your fault and understand that u can go forward with life. more so if u talk about it and help others deal with childhood abuse...Thank u Oprah for helping us come forward and open up our nasty secrets in order to help ourselfs and others.